GPS, or Global Positioning System, is accessible from almost everywhere on Earth and provides exact coordinates of your current location so that you can figure out where you are. Combine that information with a good map and there's nothing you can't find. Check out our GPS Buying Guide to compare the current GPS modules available in the catalog. We recommend looking at the GPS Basics tutorial to get started.
GeoFence Treasure Hunt With Artemis Global Tracker
Follow along with an engineering student as he creates a distance-based game using the Artemis Global Tracker!
SparkFun RTK Reference Station Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Reference Station in minutes and start sending RTCM NTRIP corrections to your favourite caster.
Getting Started with u-blox Thingstream and PointPerfect
Interested in high precision GNSS without setting up a base station?
GNSS Correction Data Receiver (NEO-D9S) Hookup Guide
Add GNSS correction data to your high precision GNSS (HPG) receiver with the u-blox NEO-D9S! This tutorial will get you started with the ZED-F9P, NEO-D9S, and the ESP32 IoT RedBoard.
GNSS Receiver Breakout - MAX-M10S (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
Get started using the SparkFun GNSS Receiver Breakout - MAX-M10S (Qwiic), a ultra-low power, GNSS receiver module for your asset tracking needs!
MicroMod GNSS Function Board - NEO-M9N Hookup Guide
The u-blox NEO-M9N is a powerful GPS unit that now comes populated on a MicroMod Function Board! In this tutorial, we will quickly get you set up using it with the MicroMod ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output.
MicroMod GNSS Function Board - ZED-F9P Hookup Guide
Add millimeter precision location data to your MicroMod project with this guide for the SparkFun MicroMod GNSS Function Board - ZED-F9P.
SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Facet L-Band in minutes to begin gathering millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
Follow this guide to add up to 5 nanosecond timing accuracy under clear skies with no external GNSS correction with the GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic).
SparkFun GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning ZED-F9K Hookup Guide
The u-blox ZED-F9K is a powerful GPS-RTK unit that uses a fusion of IMU, wheel ticks, a vehicle dynamics model, correction data, and GNSS measurements to provide highly accurate and continuous position for navigation in the difficult conditions. We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem through Arduino so that you can start reading the output!
SparkFun RTK Facet Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Facet in minutes to begin gathering millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
MicroMod GNSS Carrier Board (ZED-F9P) Hookup Guide
Easily switch between Processor Boards using the MicroMod ecosystem and get precision down to the diameter of a dime with the ZED-F9P from u-blox using the MicroMod GNSS Carrier Board!
Artemis Global Tracker Hookup Guide
The SparkFun Artemis Global Tracker combines the Artemis processor with an Iridium 9603N satellite transceiver, ZOE-M8Q GNSS transceiver, and MS8607 PHT sensor. With a clear view of the sky, this board allows you to send and receive short data messages from anywhere in the world including remote locations far beyond the reach of WiFi and GSM networks. Follow this guide to get started with the Artemis Global Tracker.
smôl ZOE-M8Q Hookup Guide
Small in size, small on current draw. It's a smôl world! This guide will get you up and running with the smôl ZOE-M8Q GNSS Peripheral Board.
LTE GNSS Breakout - SARA-R5 Hookup Guide
A guide to get you started with the SparkFun LTE GNSS Breakout - SARA-R5. This breakout features the SARA-R5 module from u-blox.
SparkFun RTK Express Hookup Guide
Learn how to use the enclosed RTK Express product to achieve millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
nRF9160 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Getting started with the nRF9160 from Circuit Dojo and SparkFun!
How to Upgrade Firmware of a u-blox GNSS Receiver
A few steps and you'll upgrade to the latest features on a u-blox GNSS receiver.
MicroMod Update Tool Hookup Guide
Follow this guide to learn how to use the MicroMod Update Tool to interact directly with the UART on the MicroMod Asset Tracker's SARA-R5. Using this board you can talk directly to the module using u-blox's m-center software as well as update the firmware using EasyFlash.
MicroMod Asset Tracker Carrier Board Hookup Guide
Get started with the SparkFun MicroMod Asset Tracker Carrier Board following this Hookup Guide. The Asset Tracker uses the u-blox SARA-R510M8S LTE-M / NB-IoT module to provide a host of data communication options.
SparkFun RTK Surveyor Hookup Guide
Learn how to use the enclosed RTK Surveyor product to achieve millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station
Learn how to affix a GNSS antenna, use PPP to get its ECEF coordinates and then broadcast your own RTCM data over the internet and cellular using NTRIP to increase rover reception to 10km!
Setting up a Rover Base RTK System
Getting GNSS RTCM correction data from a base to a rover is easy with a serial telemetry radio! We'll show you how to get your high precision RTK GNSS system setup and running.
Qwiic GPS Clock
What time is it? Time for you to... Qwiic-ly build a GPS clock and output it to a display! This project provides you with the current date and time using GPS satellites. Read the date and time as a digital or analog clock. Or even configure the clock for military, your time zone, or automatically adjust the time for daylight savings time!
OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide
How to use and re-program the OpenLog Artemis, an open source datalogger. The OLA comes preprogrammed to automatically log data. The OLA can also record serial data, analog voltages, or readings from external Qwiic-enabled I2C devices. Some of these Qwiic-enabled devices include GPS/GNSS modules, pressure, altitude, humidity, temperature, air quality, environment, distance, and weight sensors.
SparkFun GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning ZED-F9R Hookup Guide
The u-blox ZED-F9R is a powerful GPS-RTK unit that uses a fusion of IMU, wheel ticks, a vehicle dynamics model, correction data, and GNSS measurements to provide highly accurate and continuous position for navigation in the difficult conditions. We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem through Arduino and Python so that you can start reading the output!
RFID Beginners Tutorial
Make a remote work logger using an RFID reader and a GPS module. Scan a card and get ID, location, and time. All the perfect data to punch in and punch out from the middle of Nowhere!
SparkFun GPS Dead Reckoning NEO-M8U Hookup Guide
The u-blox NEO-M8U is a powerful GPS units that takes advantage of untethered dead reckoning (UDR) technology for navigation. The module provides continuous positioning for vehicles in urban environments and during complete signal loss (e.g. short tunnels and parking garages). We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output!
SparkFun GPS NEO-M9N Hookup Guide
The u-blox NEO-M9N is a powerful GPS unit that comes with a chip antenna, SMA connector, and u.FL connector. We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output!
Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR
Want to get started in robotics? Look no further than the SparkFun autonomous kit for the Sphero RVR! Whether you purchased the Basic or Advanced kit, this tutorial will get you rolling...
Advanced Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Advanced Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR built up with this hookup guide!
Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR all hooked up with this guide!
GPS Geo-Mapping at the Push of a Button
Let's ramp up our GPS tracking skills with KML files and Google Earth. We'll make a tracker that logs location and allows us to visualize our steps with Google Earth.
Displaying Your Coordinates with a GPS Module
This Arduino tutorial will teach you how to pinpoint and display your GPS coordinates with a press of a button using hardware from our Qwiic Connect System (I2C).
GNSS Chip Antenna Hookup Guide
You've always wanted to experiment with those tiny GPS antennas. Now you can!
SparkFun GPS Breakout (ZOE-M8Q and SAM-M8Q) Hookup Guide
The SparkFun ZOE-M8Q and SAM-M8Q are two similarly powerful GPS units but with different project applications. We'll compare both chips before getting each up and running.
GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide
Get precision down to the diameter of a dime with the new ZED-F9P from u-blox.
Three Quick Tips About Using U.FL
Quick tips regarding how to connect, protect, and disconnect U.FL connectors.
LS20031 5Hz (66 Channel) GPS Receiver Hookup Guide
In this tutorial, we will solder headers to the surface mount pads of the LS20031 GPS receiver and read the output using an Arduino!
LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Shield Hookup Guide
The SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield equips your Arduino or Arduino-compatible microcontroller with access to data networks across the globe. This shield adds wireless, high-bandwidth cellular functionality to your IoT project!
What is GPS RTK?
Learn about the latest generation of GPS and GNSS receivers to get 14mm positional accuracy!
Getting Started with U-Center for u-blox
Learn the tips and tricks to use the u-blox software tool to configure your GPS receiver.
GPS-RTK Hookup Guide
Find out where you are! Use this easy hook-up guide to get up and running with the SparkFun high precision GPS-RTK NEO-M8P-2 breakout board.
HX1 APRS Transmitter Hookup Guide
The HX1 is a low-power amateur radio transmitter that can be used to send data to the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) network.
ESP32 Thing Motion Shield Hookup Guide
Getting started with the ESP32 Thing Motion Shield to detect movements using the on-board LSM9DS1 IMU and adding a GPS receiver. Data can be easily logged by adding an microSD card to the slot.
SparkFun GPS Breakout - XA1110 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
Figure out where in the world you are with the Qwiic SparkFun GPS Breakout - XA1110.
GPS Mouse - GP-808G Hookup Guide
Get started with the GP-808G GPS Mouse. This GPS module is great for advanced projects such as autonomous vehicles.
Getting Started with the GeoFence
How to get started using the GeoFence GPS Boundary Widget and GeoFence Software.
Arduino Weather Shield Hookup Guide V12
Read humidity, pressure and luminosity quickly and easily. Add wind speed, direction and rain gauge for full weather station capabilities.
Mini GPS Shield Hookup Guide
A hookup guide for the SparkFun Mini GPS Shield.
Building an Autonomous Vehicle: The Batmobile
Documenting a six-month project to race autonomous Power Wheels at the SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition (AVC) in 2016.
GPS Differential Vector Pointer
Use GPS to have two objects, a base and a target, point towards one another. This can be used to aim a directional antenna (or in the case of this project, a laser) from one object to the other object at a distance that is only limited by your ability to provide the base station with the target's GPS location.
GPS Logger Shield Hookup Guide
How to assemble and hookup the SparkFun GPS Logger Shield. Never lose track of your Arduino again!
GPS Shield Hookup Guide
This tutorial shows how to get started with the SparkFun GPS Shield and read and parse NMEA data with a common GPS receiver.
Alphanumeric GPS Wall Clock
This is a GPS controlled clock - a clock you truly never have to set! Using GPS and some formulas, we figure out what day of the week and if we are in or out of daylight savings time.
Copernicus II Hookup Guide
A guide for how to get started with the Copernicus II GPS module.
GPS Basics
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an engineering marvel that we all have access to for a relatively low cost and no subscription fee. With the correct hardware and minimal effort, you can determine your position and time almost anywhere on the globe.
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