Electrical enclosure are great for protecting your project or securing the bundle of wires in a box. Depending on the application, the material can range from cardboard, plastic, acrylic, wood, or metal for traditional enclosures. Check out the following tutorials to cut, 3D print, or mount your prototyped circuit.
SparkFun RTK Reference Station Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Reference Station in minutes and start sending RTCM NTRIP corrections to your favourite caster.
Wireless Timing Project
Time for racing, let's make a wireless timing device using ESP32 wireless communication.
SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Facet L-Band in minutes to begin gathering millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
SparkFun RTK Facet Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Facet in minutes to begin gathering millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
SparkFun RTK Express Hookup Guide
Learn how to use the enclosed RTK Express product to achieve millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
SparkFun RTK Surveyor Hookup Guide
Learn how to use the enclosed RTK Surveyor product to achieve millimeter level geospatial coordinates.
How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station
Learn how to affix a GNSS antenna, use PPP to get its ECEF coordinates and then broadcast your own RTCM data over the internet and cellular using NTRIP to increase rover reception to 10km!
How to Make a Magic Mirror with Raspberry Pi
Need a great project for your Raspberry Pi 4 kit? Use it to create a command center to display the weather, clock, your calendar, or even a news feed!
Raspberry Pi 4 Kit Hookup Guide
Guide for hooking up your Raspberry Pi 4 Model B basic, desktop, or hardware starter kit together.
Secure DIY Garage Door Opener
Did you know that most garage doors are at risk of a roll jam attack? Here we make a DIY garage door remote-control system that is much more secure than most commercial-ready products using the latest in ECC cryptography.
Wireless Controlled Wearable EL Wire Dance Suit
In this tutorial, we will build an EL wire dance suit that can be controlled by a wireless glove controller!
GPS Geo-Mapping at the Push of a Button
Let's ramp up our GPS tracking skills with KML files and Google Earth. We'll make a tracker that logs location and allows us to visualize our steps with Google Earth.
LED Gumball Machine
Hacking gumball machines to make the world a happier, blinkier place.
Build a Qwiic Jukebox that is Toddler Approved!
Follow this tutorial to build your own custom jukebox. Note, this is designed simple and tough for use primarily with toddlers. It's also a great introduction to SparkFun's Qwiic products!
DIY Light Sculpture
In this digital fabrication project featuring 3D printing, laser cutting, and DIY electronics, you will build a beautiful design object for your desktop or night stand.
RedBoard Edge Hookup Guide
The RedBoard Edge is a RedBoard that's been rebuilt around the idea that projects are eventually put into an enclosure to help clean up their look.
Getting Started with 3D Printing Using Tinkercad
Tinkercad is a great, easy-to-use online modeling software that can have you 3D printing quickly. This tutorial will walk you through designing a simple project enclosure.
Interactive 3D Printed LED Diamond Prop
In this tutorial, we will learn about how to create an interactive theatrical prop for a performance by 3D printing a translucent diamond prop using a non-addressable RGB LED strip and AT42QT1011 capacitive touch sensing.
Tech Prank: Hardware Mouse Jiggler
Create an innocuous-looking USB stick with an Arduino Pro Micro and a 3D printed case that moves your mouse pointer randomly every few seconds. Sure to anger your coworkers and friends!
DIY Heated Earmuffs
Embedded with heating pads and four Neopixel rings, these earmuffs do more than your average winter accessory to keep you warm while still looking good.
Getting Started with TJBot
This post will walk you through setting up your TJBot and getting started with the first three recipe examples provided by IBM.
Wireless Audio Bluetooth Adapter w/ BC127
Build a custom wireless audio Bluetooth adapter using BlueCreation's BC127 and add it to your old speaker system!
micro:arcade Kit Experiment Guide
We love games! We love writing games, building games and yes, even building game consoles. So we want to introduce to you the micro:arcade kit for the micro:bit!
Ardumoto Kit Hookup Guide
Learn how to assemble and drive DC motors using the v2.0 Ardumoto Shield.
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