Single Board Computer
Need more brains for your project? There are several different kinds of Single Board Computers today that will give you all of the power of a modern computer on a small board with lots of inputs and outputs.
Qwiic Kit for Raspberry Pi V2 Hookup Guide
Get started with the SGP40, BME280, VCNL4040, and microOLED via I2C using the Qwiic system and Python on a Raspberry Pi! Measure VOC Index, light, temperature, humidity, and pressure from the environment. Then display them on the microOLED, serial terminal, or the cloud with Cayenne!
Qwiic Distance Sensor (VL53L1X, VL53L4CD) Hookup Guide
The Qwiic Distance Sensor - VL53L1X is a time of flight sensor that is capable of several modes, as well as having a range of 4M. It's cousin VL53L4CD is also a time of flight sensor with similar characteristics but it has a range of about 1.3M. Let's hook it up and find out just how far away that thing over there is.
Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
Learn how to setup, configure and use the latest version of the smallest Raspberry Pi out there, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Machine Learning @ Home Kit Hookup Guide
A living hookup guide with three different machine learning applications that will help you around the home as well as teach the basics of taking the examples of machine learning you find in the DLI Course and working towards deploying those projects beyond an example in Jupyter Notebooks!
Qwiic SHIM Kit for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide
Get started with the Serial LCD with RGB backlight and 9DoF IMU (ICM-20948) via I2C using the Qwiic system and Python on a Raspberry Pi! Take sensor readings and display them in the serial terminal or SerLCD.
Introduction to the Raspberry Pi GPIO and Physical Computing
This tutorial will teach you how to set up your Raspberry Pi as a full desktop computer and read in sensor data through the GPIO using SparkFun hardware.
Qwiic pHAT Extension for Raspberry Pi 400 Hookup Guide
Get started interfacing your Qwiic enabled boards with your Raspberry Pi 400! SparkFun Qwiic pHAT Extension for the Raspberry Pi 400 provides you with a quick and easy solution to access all of the 400's GPIO, stack your favorite HAT right-side up, or connect a Qwiic-enabled device to the I2C bus (GND, 3.3V, SDA, and SCL).
SparkFun Qwiic 3-Axis Accelerometer (ADXL313) Hookup Guide
Let's get moving with the SparkFun Triple Axis Digital Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL313 (Qwiic), a low cost, low power, up to 13-bit resolution, 3-axis accelerometer with a 32-level FIFO stack capable of measuring up to ±4g. This hookup guide will get users started reading measurements from the ADXL313, by Analog Devices, with an Arduino microcontroller, Jetson Nano, or Raspberry Pi.
Jetson Nano + Sphero RVR Mash-up (PART 2)
We took two of our biggest robotics partnerships from the previous year and shazamed them together into one robot to rule them all!
SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit Hookup Guide
A Hookup Guide to get you started with the SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit (say that five times fast!).
SparkFun GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning ZED-F9R Hookup Guide
The u-blox ZED-F9R is a powerful GPS-RTK unit that uses a fusion of IMU, wheel ticks, a vehicle dynamics model, correction data, and GNSS measurements to provide highly accurate and continuous position for navigation in the difficult conditions. We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem through Arduino and Python so that you can start reading the output!
Nintendo Switch Macro Recording on the Raspberry Pi
Learn how to record and playback controller 'macros' for your Nintendo Switch using a Raspberry Pi, SparkFun Top pHAT, and Joycontrol.
SparkFun Photodetector (MAX30101) Hookup Guide
The SparkFun Photodetector - MAX30101 (Qwiic) is the successor to the MAX30105 particle sensor, a highly sensitive optical sensor. This tutorial will get you started on retrieving the raw data from the MAX30101 sensor.
How to Make a Magic Mirror with Raspberry Pi
Need a great project for your Raspberry Pi 4 kit? Use it to create a command center to display the weather, clock, your calendar, or even a news feed!
Adding WiFi to the NVIDIA Jetson
Step by step instructions for setting up and installing the Edimax N150 USB WiFi/BLE adapter on your NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Raspberry Pi Safe Reboot and Shutdown Button
Safely reboot or shutdown your Raspberry Pi to avoid corrupting the microSD card using the built-in general purpose button on the Qwiic pHAT v2.0!
SparkFun Top pHAT Hookup Guide
The pHAT to sit above your other HATs. Does that make it the "king" of the pHATs?
This guide will help you get started using the Top pHAT with the Raspberry Pi.
SparkFun Auto pHAT Hookup Guide
The pHAT to get your projects moving. This guide will help you get started using the Auto pHAT.
Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0
Assembly Guide for the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.0. This tutorial includes photos & comments to assemble the two-layer chassis & additional components unique to the JetBot kit.
Raspberry Pi 4 Kit Hookup Guide
Guide for hooking up your Raspberry Pi 4 Model B basic, desktop, or hardware starter kit together.
Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR
Want to get started in robotics? Look no further than the SparkFun autonomous kit for the Sphero RVR! Whether you purchased the Basic or Advanced kit, this tutorial will get you rolling...
Advanced Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Advanced Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR built up with this hookup guide!
Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR all hooked up with this guide!
Qwiic SHIM for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide
Ever wanted to prototype I2C components on a Pi? Now you can!
Old Tutorials
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