We love our Solid State Relay - 40A. We love it so much we've designed the SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit. This kit allows you to assemble up to four of these solid state relays on a single PCB and control them all via I2C from your favorite microcontroller. The Quad Solid State Relay Kit comes with four solid state relays rated up to 40A at voltages between 28-380 VAC so you can switch some serious power with this board all from a single Qwiic connector attached to an Arduino or other low-powered microcontroller.
The SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit takes one of our favorite solid state relays and lets you place up to four of t…
In this tutorial we'll cover what is included with the Quad Solid State Relay Kit along with how to assemble and finally how to connect it to an Arduino and Raspberry Pi to use the examples included in our Arduino Library and Python package.
Required Materials
You will need a microcontroller to control the Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay in order to follow along with this tutorial. Below are a few options that come Qwiic-enabled out of the box:
The SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic is an Arduino-compatible development board with a built in Qwiic connector, eliminating the need …
The SparkFun Qwiic Pro Micro adds a reset button, Qwiic connector, USB-C, and castellated pads to the miniaturized Arduino bo…
The SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus is the next step to get started with Espressif IoT ideations while still enjoying all the ameni…
The RedBoard Artemis takes the incredibly powerful Artemis module from SparkFun and wraps it up in an easy to use and familia…
We also have a Python package available for this and our other Qwiic Relay boards so you can use a Raspberry Pi as your controller as well.
The 2 GB Raspberry Pi 4 features the ability to run two 4k resolution monitors, to run true Gigabit Ethernet operations, all …
The 4 GB Raspberry Pi 4 features the ability to run two 4k resolution monitors, to run true Gigabit Ethernet operations, all …
The Raspberry Pi 3 B+ is here to provide you with the same Pi as before, but now with gigabit and PoE capable Ethernet!
The SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Desktop Kit (4GB) includes everything you need to turn any monitor with an HDMI port into a deskt…
If your chosen microcontroller is not already Qwiic-enabled, you can add that functionality with one or more of the following items:
The SparkFun Qwiic Adapter provides the perfect means to make any old I2C board into a Qwiic enabled board.
The SparkFun Qwiic pHAT V2 for Raspberry Pi is the quickest and easiest way to make your way into the Qwiic ecosystem and sti…
The SparkFun Qwiic SHIM for Raspberry Pi is a small, easily removable breakout that easily adds a Qwiic connector to your Ras…
The SparkFun Qwiic Shield is an easy-to-assemble board that provides a simple way to incorporate the Qwiic Connect System wit…
You will also need at least one Qwiic cable to connect your Quad Solid State Relay Kit to your microcontroller.
This is a 100mm long 4-conductor cable with 1mm JST termination. It’s designed to connect Qwiic enabled components together…
This is a 50mm long 4-conductor cable with 1mm JST termination. It’s designed to connect Qwiic enabled components together …
This is a 200mm long 4-conductor cable with 1mm JST termination. It’s designed to connect Qwiic enabled components together…
This is a 500mm long 4-conductor cable with 1mm JST termination. It’s designed to connect Qwiic enabled components together…
Required Tools
While there is no soldering required to assemble the Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay, there is some minor assembly involved. You will need a screwdriver as well as wire strippers to assemble your kit and prepare your wires.
This is just your basic reversible screwdriver - pocket sized! Both flat and phillips heads available. Comes with pin clip an…
What should every hacker have available to them? That's right, a screwdriver (you have to get into those cases somehow). What…
The Self-Adjusting Wire Stripper can take a wire, placed in the head of the tool, compress the handles, and you will have a p…
These are higher grade wire strippers from Jonard Industries with a comfortable, curved grip making them an affordable option…
Suggested Reading
If you aren't familiar with the Qwiic system, we recommend reading here for an overview:
We would also suggest reading through the following tutorials if you are not familiar with the concepts covered in them:
Serial Communication
Asynchronous serial communication concepts: packets, signal levels, baud rates, UARTs and more!
Electric Power
An overview of electric power, the rate of energy transfer. We'll talk definition of power, watts, equations, and power ratings. 1.21 gigawatts of tutorial fun!
An introduction to I2C, one of the main embedded communications protocols in use today.