Smart Plant Care! Build a Qwiic Soil Moisture Sensor System
See whether your plants are happy or not with their soil moisture level in this Qwiic Circuit Creation!
Garage Distance Sensor
This tutorial will take your SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the next level by turning it into a parking distance sensor!
Calibrating Your Odometry Sensor
In this tutorial, we will cover how to calibrate your Qwiic Optical Tracking Odometry Sensor (or "OTOS") with Arduino and Python Examples.
Moving Beyond the Ordinary With the Qwiic Alphanumeric Display
More than just numbers, more than just letters, with a little creative coding you can do teach your alphanumeric display lots of new tricks.
IMU Data to Motion: Tutorial for Translating Sensor Data into Real-World Movement
Sometimes we want to do more with our data than just watch the values roll by on a screen. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at one way we can translate that data to movement.
How to Play Multiple Buzzers at Once
This tutorial demonstrates the SparkFun Qwiic Buzzer's ability to control multiple buzzers simultaneously by playing a 3-part arrangement of a segment of the Super Mario Bros Theme!
Detecting Colors with the SparkFun Tristimulus Color Sensor
Detect and classify colors based on their CIE XYZ color space values.
How To Take Multiple RFID Readings Simultaneously
Let's take an in-depth look at how to take multiple RFID readings at once with a SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader.
GeoFence Treasure Hunt With Artemis Global Tracker
Follow along with an engineering student as he creates a distance-based game using the Artemis Global Tracker!
Display Distance Measurements On an OLED
This tutorial will take your SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the next level by adding a cool little OLED display.
Fading with the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator
In this tutorial, we will slowly turn on the load and then slowly turn it off using the N-channel MOSFET.
SparkFun Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Qwiic Kit Hookup Guide
The SparkFun Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Qwiic Kit is a great way to get started with Arduino and the Qwiic-connect system - use this guide to get started!
MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Hookup Guide
Add a powerful combination of computing power and wireless communication to your next MicroMod project with the SparkFun MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Processor.
SparkFun RTK Reference Station Hookup Guide
Setup the RTK Reference Station in minutes and start sending RTCM NTRIP corrections to your favourite caster.
Sending Sensor Data via Bluetooth
In this tutorial, we will show you how to get started on incorporating Bluetooth into your electronics projects. This project uses a SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32 Wroom USB-C to display data from a Triple Axis Accelerometer over Bluetooth.
Connecting Thing Plus Matter to Google Nest Hub
Connect your Thing Plus Matter board to a Google Nest Hub, as well as the Google Home app, and set up as a light device!
Displaying Sensor Data with Bluetooth
In our previous Bluetooth tutorial called Sending Sensor Data Via Bluetooth, we showed how to display data from a triple axis accelerometer over the Arduino IDE’s serial monitor. Continuing off of the first tutorial, we are going to expand this project to include more capabilities for visualizing and interacting with your accelerometer data.
SparkFun Thing Plus - NINA-B306 Hookup Guide
A quick guide to get started using the SparkFun Thing Plus - NINA-B306. This Thing Plus is loaded with the Arm Cortex-M4 processor in the NINA-B306 along with on-board motion and environmental sensors in the ISM330DHCX 6DoF and BME280 pressure and temperature sensor.
Single Cell LiPo Battery Care
This tutorial will go over how to safely charge, connect, disconnect, reinforcing the cables, and handle single cell LiPo batteries.
Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag Hookup Guide
Add a configurable NFC/RFID tag to your Qwiic ecosystem by following this guide.
SparkFun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P Hookup Guide
Get started with the SparkFun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P with this Hookup Guide. This guide covers the hardware on this development board along with a quick intro to using the board with Silicon Labs' Simplicity Studio IDE.
LiPo Fuel Gauge (MAX1704X) Hookup Guide
Monitor your LiPo battery with the LiPo fuel gauge! In this tutorial, we will be using the MAX17043 and MAX17048 to monitor a single cell, LiPo battery over the Arduino Serial Monitor. We will also connect a display to view the output without the need to connect the microcontroller to a computer.
SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100 Hookup Guide
A quick guide to show how to configure and use your own 2.4Ghz wireless beacon with the SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100.
Analog MEMS Microphone (VM2020) Hookup Guide
Get started with the SparkFun analog MEMS microphone breakout board! In this tutorial, we will be connecting the differential MEMS microphone to an Arduino using the WM8960 audio codec.
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