The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields, and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. Get it? It's quick Qwiic! The following tutorials tagged takes advantage of the Qwiic system.
SparkFun Photodetector (MAX30101) Hookup Guide
June 25, 2020
The SparkFun Photodetector - MAX30101 (Qwiic) is the successor to the MAX30105 particle sensor, a highly sensitive optical sensor. This tutorial will get you started on retrieving the raw data from the MAX30101 sensor.
RFID Beginners Tutorial
June 15, 2020
Make a remote work logger using an RFID reader and a GPS module. Scan a card and get ID, location, and time. All the perfect data to punch in and punch out from the middle of Nowhere!
SparkFun Air Quality Sensor - SGP30 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
June 5, 2020
A hookup guide to get started with the SparkFun Air Quality Sensor - SGP30 (Qwiic).
SparkFun Environmental Sensor Breakout - BME68x (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
May 14, 2020
A hookup guide to get started with the BME68x Environmental Sensor from Bosch. Monitor the air quality, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure with this Qwiic sensor!
SparkFun Humidity Sensor Breakout - SHTC3 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
May 7, 2020
A Hookup Guide to get started using the SHTC3 breakout.
SparkFun GPS Dead Reckoning NEO-M8U Hookup Guide
April 30, 2020
The u-blox NEO-M8U is a powerful GPS units that takes advantage of untethered dead reckoning (UDR) technology for navigation. The module provides continuous positioning for vehicles in urban environments and during complete signal loss (e.g. short tunnels and parking garages). We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output!
Working with Qwiic on a Jetson Nano through Jupyter Notebooks
April 23, 2020
We created a few Jupyter Notebooks to make using our Qwiic boards with your Jetson Nano even easier!
Raspberry Pi Safe Reboot and Shutdown Button
April 20, 2020
Safely reboot or shutdown your Raspberry Pi to avoid corrupting the microSD card using the built-in general purpose button on the Qwiic pHAT v2.0!
SparkFun Auto pHAT Hookup Guide
April 16, 2020
The pHAT to get your projects moving. This guide will help you get started using the Auto pHAT.
SparkFun Top pHAT Hookup Guide
April 16, 2020
The pHAT to sit above your other HATs. Does that make it the "king" of the pHATs?
This guide will help you get started using the Top pHAT with the Raspberry Pi.
Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
April 2, 2020
A Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic). Learn how to integrate the RV-8803 into your next time-keeping project.
Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0
March 27, 2020
Assembly Guide for the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.0. This tutorial includes photos & comments to assemble the two-layer chassis & additional components unique to the JetBot kit.
SparkFun Qwiic Digital Temperature Sensor - TMP102 Hookup Guide
March 26, 2020
Get started using your SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor - TMP102 (Qwiic) with this Hookup Guide!
Temperature Sensor Comparison
March 18, 2020
A comparison of analog and digital temperature sensors. Which is better?
Raspberry Pi 4 Kit Hookup Guide
March 14, 2020
Guide for hooking up your Raspberry Pi 4 Model B basic, desktop, or hardware starter kit together.
SparkFun Qwiic Thermocouple Hookup Guide
March 12, 2020
Learn how to hook up your Qwiic Thermocouple Amplifier.
SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
February 28, 2020
The SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) breakout board offers a wide range of customizable frequencies in a wide range of different signal types using a single reference clock. This hookup guide will go over all of the many available functions and gives the hardware rundown on what exactly is on this board.
Basic Servo Control for Beginners
February 25, 2020
An introductory tutorial demonstrating several ways to use and interact with servo motors!
Power Delivery Board - USB-C (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
February 13, 2020
This guide will go over how to use the USB Type-C Power Delivery Board.
Qwiic Pro Micro USB-C (ATmega32U4) Hookup Guide
February 6, 2020
An overview of the ATmega32U4-based Qwiic Pro Micro USB-C, how to install it, and how to use it with Arduino.
SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano Hookup Guide
January 30, 2020
Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano.
SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus Hookup Guide
January 30, 2020
A short guide for assembling and using the SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus.
SparkFun Qwiic Button Hookup Guide
January 23, 2020
A Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Qwiic Button (Red) and SparkFun Qwiic Button Breakout. Goes over connecting the Qwiic Button to an Arduino microcontroller and using it with the Qwiic Button Arduino library.
Secure DIY Garage Door Opener
January 16, 2020
Did you know that most garage doors are at risk of a roll jam attack? Here we make a DIY garage door remote-control system that is much more secure than most commercial-ready products using the latest in ECC cryptography.
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