Adding WiFi to the NVIDIA Jetson
Step by step instructions for setting up and installing the Edimax N150 USB WiFi/BLE adapter on your NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Advanced Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Advanced Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR built up with this hookup guide!
Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0
Assembly Guide for the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.0. This tutorial includes photos & comments to assemble the two-layer chassis & additional components unique to the JetBot kit.
AST-CAN485 WiFi Shield Hookup Guide
Hookup Guide for the AST-CAN485 WiFi Shield.
AzureWave Thing Plus (AW-CU488) Hookup Guide
The SparkFun AzureWave Thing Plus is a Feather form-factor development board equipped with the AW-CU488. We'll highlight key features of the board and show you to get started with the development board. A few Arduino examples will be highlighted to connect to a WiFi router, calculate the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) from an input microphone, output an analog signal to a speaker, and connect an Qwiic-enabled device.
Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR Assembly Guide
Get your Basic Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR all hooked up with this guide!
Blynk Board Project Guide
A series of Blynk projects you can set up on the Blynk Board without ever re-programming it.
Blynk Board Washer/Dryer Alarm
How to configure the Blynk Board and app to notify you when your washer or dryer is done shaking.
Connectivity of the Internet of Things
An overview of the different protocols that can be used for the development of Internet of Things (IoT)-based projects.
DA16200 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
A guide to get started with the DA16200 Thing Plus.
Dialog ULP WiFi DA16200 R3 Shield Hookup Guide
Add WiFi to your project with this hookup guide for our Dialog's Ultra Low Power DA16200 R3 shield!
Edison Getting Started Guide
An introduction to the Intel® Edison. Then a quick walk through on interacting with the console, connecting to WiFi, and doing...stuff.
Electric Imp Breakout Hookup Guide
An electric imp HUG! Provides an overview of the imp card and breakout. Both hardware and firmware subjects are covered.
Environmental Monitoring with the Tessel 2
Build an air-conditioner monitoring device to collect environment information and store it in the cloud.
ESP32 Environment Sensor Shield Hookup Guide
SparkFun's ESP32 Environment Sensor Shield provides sensors and hookups for monitoring environmental conditions. This tutorial will show you how to connect your sensor suite to the Internet and post weather data online.
ESP32 LoRa 1-CH Gateway, LoRaWAN, and the Things Network
Using the ESP32 LoRa 1-CH Gateway as a gateway and device, and pushing data to The Things Network.
ESP32 Relay Web Server
The goal of this project is to have a website hosted on an ESP32 that controls any relay controlled device connected to a local network and keeps a dynamically updated state of those devices.
ESP32-S2 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Looking to use the more secure ESP32-S2? Follow this hookup guide to get started.
ESP32 Thing Hookup Guide
An introduction to the ESP32 Thing's hardware features, and a primer on using the WiFi system-on-chip in Arduino.
ESP32 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Hookup guide for the ESP32 Thing Plus (Micro-B) using the ESP32 WROOM's WiFi/Bluetooth system-on-chip in Arduino.
ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) Hookup Guide
Meet the updated ESP32 Thing Plus (USB-C) development board. We have included some extra bells and whistles that users will appreciate, so check out out hookup guide for all the details!
ESP32 Thing Power Control Shield Hookup Guide
This tutorial shows you how to get started with the ESP32 Thing Power Control Shield.
ESP8266 Powered Propane Poofer
Learn how Nick Poole built a WiFi controlled fire-cannon using the ESP8266 Thing Dev Board!
ESP8266 Thing Development Board Hookup Guide
An overview of SparkFun's ESP8266 Thing Development Board - a development board for the Internet of Things.
Old Tutorials
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