
Python is a programming language that lets you write code quickly and effectively. With a design philosophy that focuses on code readability, Python is easy to learn and use. Thanks to the advances in single board computers and powerful microcontrollers, Python can now be used to control hardware. Check out some of the tutorials below to get started graphing, charting and GUI design in Python.

SparkFun Auto pHAT Hookup Guide

April 16, 2020

The pHAT to get your projects moving. This guide will help you get started using the Auto pHAT.

Qwiic EEPROM Hookup Guide

July 29, 2021

Running out of memory? Don't forget to check out the Qwiic EEPROM!

Python Programming Tutorial: Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi

June 27, 2018

This guide will show you how to write programs on your Raspberry Pi using Python to control hardware.

Raspberry gPIo

October 29, 2015

How to use either Python or C++ to drive the I/O lines on a Raspberry Pi.

Qwiic Joystick Hookup Guide

February 21, 2019

Looking for an easy way to implement a joystick to your next Arduino or Raspberry Pi project? This hookup guide will walk you through using the Qwiic Joystick with the Arduino IDE on a RedBoard Qwiic and in Python on a Raspberry Pi.

Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - AS6212 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

September 9, 2021

Get started measuring highly accurate temperatures at extremely low power with the AS6212 temperature sensor on the SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - AS6212 (Qwiic).

SparkFun Qwiic 3-Axis Accelerometer (ADXL313) Hookup Guide

November 5, 2020

Let's get moving with the SparkFun Triple Axis Digital Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL313 (Qwiic), a low cost, low power, up to 13-bit resolution, 3-axis accelerometer with a 32-level FIFO stack capable of measuring up to ±4g. This hookup guide will get users started reading measurements from the ADXL313, by Analog Devices, with an Arduino microcontroller, Jetson Nano, or Raspberry Pi.

Getting Started with the Autonomous Kit for the Sphero RVR

December 13, 2019

Want to get started in robotics? Look no further than the SparkFun autonomous kit for the Sphero RVR! Whether you purchased the Basic or Advanced kit, this tutorial will get you rolling...

SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit Hookup Guide

July 16, 2020

A Hookup Guide to get you started with the SparkFun Qwiic Quad Solid State Relay Kit (say that five times fast!).

SparkFun Qwiic Dual Solid State Relay Hookup Guide

September 24, 2020

A Hookup Guide to get you started with the SparkFun Qwiic Dual Solid State Relay.

Qwiic SHIM Kit for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide

February 16, 2021

Get started with the Serial LCD with RGB backlight and 9DoF IMU (ICM-20948) via I2C using the Qwiic system and Python on a Raspberry Pi! Take sensor readings and display them in the serial terminal or SerLCD.

SparkFun Photodetector (MAX30101) Hookup Guide

June 25, 2020

The SparkFun Photodetector - MAX30101 (Qwiic) is the successor to the MAX30105 particle sensor, a highly sensitive optical sensor. This tutorial will get you started on retrieving the raw data from the MAX30101 sensor.

Air Quality Sensor - SGP40 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

June 24, 2021

Get started measuring indoor air quality with the SparkFun Air Quality Sensor - SGP40 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide.

Bark Back Interactive Pet Monitor

March 8, 2017

Monitor and interact with pets through this dog bark detector project based on the Raspberry Pi!

Raspberry Pi Safe Reboot and Shutdown Button

April 20, 2020

Safely reboot or shutdown your Raspberry Pi to avoid corrupting the microSD card using the built-in general purpose button on the Qwiic pHAT v2.0!

Qwiic SHIM for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide

December 5, 2019

Ever wanted to prototype I2C components on a Pi? Now you can!

Graph Sensor Data with Python and Matplotlib

July 23, 2018

Use matplotlib to create a real-time plot of temperature data collected from a TMP102 sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial

October 29, 2015

Learn how to use serial I2C and SPI buses on your Raspberry Pi using the wiringPi I/O library for C/C++ and spidev/smbus for Python.

Introduction to the Raspberry Pi GPIO and Physical Computing

January 20, 2021

This tutorial will teach you how to set up your Raspberry Pi as a full desktop computer and read in sensor data through the GPIO using SparkFun hardware.

IoT Weight Logging Scale

May 9, 2018

This tutorial will show you how to make a scale that logs your weight to a custom website on the Internet. The principles can be extrapolated to any type of data.

RedBoard Turbo Hookup Guide

January 24, 2019

An introduction to the RedBoard Turbo. Level up your Arduino-skills with the powerful SAMD21 ARM Cortex M0+ processor!

Working with Qwiic on a Jetson Nano through Jupyter Notebooks

April 23, 2020

We created a few Jupyter Notebooks to make using our Qwiic boards with your Jetson Nano even easier!

Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout Hookup Guide

March 7, 2019

The future is here! Our Qwiic Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout allows you to display custom images on a transparent screen using either I2C or SPI connections.

Jetson Nano + Sphero RVR Mash-up (PART 1)

April 23, 2020

We took two of our biggest robotics partnerships from the previous year and shazamed them together into one robot to rule them all!
Viewing 66 Python Tutorials. View All Tutorials.

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Please be aware that the tutorials you find there are no longer actively maintained.