
Adapting LilyPad Development Board Projects to the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus

May 24, 2018
An overview of the updates made in the redesign of the LilyPad Development Board to the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus and how to adapt code written for the old board to the new one.

Adding More SERCOM Ports for SAMD Boards

February 4, 2019
How to setup extra SPI, UART, and I2C serial ports on a SAMD-based boards.

ADXL345 Hookup Guide

September 13, 2016
Get started with the ADXL345 Accelerometer.

Alternative Arduino Interfaces

July 29, 2014
We admit the Arduino IDE isn't for everyone. Here are some other options for programming your Arduino boards, including web interfaces and graphical programming languages.

ARM Programming

May 23, 2019
How to program SAMD21 or SAMD51 boards (or other ARM processors).

Artemis Development on Arm® Mbed™ OS (Beta)

September 10, 2020
With the latest Artemis DK, board, we now offer full Bluetooth support within the Arduino IDE and development with Mbed™ OS. While we have worked tirelessly to get the Artemis module supported in the next Mbed™ OS release, the next release isn't slated until after the Artemis DK becomes available to the public. Therefore, this post will provide users with a jump start for developing with Mbed™ Studio, prior to the next release (in a beta of sorts), by utilizing our fork of Mbed™ OS.

Artemis Development with Arduino

June 20, 2019
Get our powerful Artemis based boards (Artemis Nano, BlackBoard Artemis, and BlackBoard Artemis ATP) blinking in less than 5 minutes using the SparkFun Artemis Arduino Core!

Artemis Development with the Arduino IDE

September 10, 2020
This is an in-depth guide on developing in the Arduino IDE for the Artemis module and any Artemis microcontroller development board. Inside, users will find setup instructions and simple examples from blinking an LED and taking ADC measurements; to more complex features like BLE and I2C.


June 13, 2016
A brief history of how ASCII came to be, how it's useful to computers, and some helpful tables to convert numbers to characters.


September 23, 2015
This tutorial shows users how to solder their SparkFun interactive badges as well as put them to use in other projects.

BadgerHack: Gaming Add-On Kit

February 16, 2016
Make a Breakout clone with the BadgerHack Gaming Add-On Kit.

BadgerHack: Sensor Add-On Kit

February 16, 2016
Turn your Badger or Redstick into a temperature and soil moisture sensing display with the BadgerHack Sensor Add-On Kit

BadgerHack: Synth Add-On Kit

February 16, 2016
Make a tiny synth with BadgerStick.


February 7, 2013
Binary is the numeral system of electronics and it must be important to learn. But, what is binary? How does it translate to other numeral systems like decimal?

Binary Blaster Assembly Guide

March 13, 2014
Learn how to assemble and play the Binary Blaster Game from SparkFun Electronics.

Blynk Board Arduino Development Guide

March 25, 2016
How to get your computer set up with Arduino and the Blynk Board hardware definitions -- so you can start creating Blynk projects of your own!

Cackling Apple Head Witch

October 30, 2014
Make your own cackling apple head witch to scare all of the trick or treaters this Halloween!

Clap On Lamp

November 28, 2017
Modify a simple desk lamp to respond to a double clap (or other sharp noise) using parts from the SparkFun Inventor's Kit v4.0.

Configuring the PATH System Variable

March 23, 2021
A simple guide for configuring the PATH variable on Win 10, Mac OSX, and Linux systems.

Connecting Arduino to Processing

April 25, 2013
Send serial data from Arduino to Processing and back - even at the same time!

Cryptographic Co-Processor ATECC508A (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

October 17, 2019
Learn how to use some of the standard features of the SparkFun Cryptographic Co-processor.

Data Types in Arduino

November 6, 2013
Learn about the common data types and what they signify in the Arduino programming environment.

Designing with the SparkFun Artemis

June 20, 2019
Let's chat about layout and design considerations when using the Artemis module.

Digital Logic

October 3, 2013
A primer on digital logic concepts in hardware and software.
Viewing 97 Programming Tutorials. View All Tutorials.

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