Alphanumeric GPS Wall Clock
This is a GPS controlled clock - a clock you truly never have to set! Using GPS and some formulas, we figure out what day of the week and if we are in or out of daylight savings time.
AVR-Based Serial Enabled LCDs Hookup Guide
The AVR-based Qwiic Serial Enabled LCDs are a simple and cost effective solution to include in your project. These screens are based on the HD44780 controller, and include ATmega328P with an Arduino compatible bootloader. They accept control commands via Serial, SPI and I2C (via PTH headers or Qwiic connector). In this tutorial, we will show examples of a simple setup and go through each communication option.
Basic Character LCD Hookup Guide
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are a great way to output a string of words or sensor data to a display for visual feedback. In this tutorial, we'll learn about LCDs, how to print a string of words to a 16x2 basic character LCD and create custom characters.
Beginner Parts Kit Identification Guide
The essential parts for beginning (or even experienced) hobbyists that gives you all of the basic through-hole components you will need to get started playing with embedded projects. We'll identify a few parts in the kit and provide a few basic circuits to get started!
Blynk Board Project Guide
A series of Blynk projects you can set up on the Blynk Board without ever re-programming it.
Button Pad Hookup Guide
An introduction to matrix scanning, using the SparkFun 4x4 Button Pad.
Das Blinken Top Hat
A top hat decked out with LED strips makes for a heck of a wedding gift.
Display Distance Measurements On an OLED
This tutorial will take your SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the next level by adding a cool little OLED display.
Displaying Sensor Data with Bluetooth
In our previous Bluetooth tutorial called Sending Sensor Data Via Bluetooth, we showed how to display data from a triple axis accelerometer over the Arduino IDE’s serial monitor. Continuing off of the first tutorial, we are going to expand this project to include more capabilities for visualizing and interacting with your accelerometer data.
Displaying Your Coordinates with a GPS Module
This Arduino tutorial will teach you how to pinpoint and display your GPS coordinates with a press of a button using hardware from our Qwiic Connect System (I2C).
DIY Light Sculpture
In this digital fabrication project featuring 3D printing, laser cutting, and DIY electronics, you will build a beautiful design object for your desktop or night stand.
Dot/Bar Display Driver Hookup Guide
How to hook up the LM3914 or LM3916 to drive a 10-LED display with a lone analog signal.
Dungeons and Dragons Dice Gauntlet
A playful, geeky tutorial for a leather bracer that uses a LilyPad Arduino, LilyPad accelerometer, and seven segment display to roll virtual 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and 100 side dice for gaming.
ELastoLite Hookup Guide
Everything you need to setup a circuit using ELastoLite super flexible EL Panels from Oryon Technologies.
Fear the dark no longer with this ELastoLite nightlight.
Endless Runner Game
We make a simple side-scrolling endless runner game using parts from the SparkFun Inventor's Kit v4.0.
Everything You Should Know About HyperDisplay
This is a tutorial to go in-depth about the SparkFun HyperDisplay Arduino Library.
Experiment Guide for the Johnny-Five Inventor's Kit
Use the Tessel 2 and the Johnny Five Inventors kit to explore the world of JavaScript enabled hardware through 14 awesome experiments!
Fading with the MOSFET Power Switch and Buck Regulator
In this tutorial, we will slowly turn on the load and then slowly turn it off using the N-channel MOSFET.
FemtoBuck Constant Current LED Driver Hookup Guide v13
The FemtoBuck board is a high-efficiency, single-channel constant-current LED driver.
Flexible Grayscale OLED Hookup Guide
Figure out how to get images displaying on your new flexible OLED screen.
Garage Distance Sensor
This tutorial will take your SparkFun Qwiic Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the next level by turning it into a parking distance sensor!
Getting Started with the SmartLED Shield for Teensy
In this tutorial, we will connect different RGB LED matrix panels to PixelMatix's SmartLED shield and Teensy.
Graphic LCD Hookup Guide
How to add some flashy graphics to your project with a 84x48 monochrome graphic LCD.
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