The Teensy line is a collection of microcontrollers from PJRC based around several different powerful ICs. If you have not already, make sure to check out our tutorial on Getting Started with the Teensy for tips on soldering headers and programming the development board for your projects!
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Viewing 19 Teensy Tutorials.
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Boss Alarm
Build a Boss Alarm that alerts you of anyone walking into your office and automatically changes your computer screen.
Choosing an Arduino for Your Project
Examining the diverse world of Arduino boards and understanding the differences between them before choosing one for a project.
Getting Started with MicroMod
Dive into the world of MicroMod - a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals via the M.2 Connector!
Getting Started with the SmartLED Shield for Teensy
In this tutorial, we will connect different RGB LED matrix panels to PixelMatix's SmartLED shield and Teensy.
Getting Started with the Teensy
Basic intro to the Teensy line of products, with soldering and programming suggestions.
HID Control of a Web Page
Learn how to move a slider on a webpage and make a motor spin. We connect HTML and HID to read sensors and interface with the physical world.
How to Load MicroPython on a Microcontroller Board
This tutorial will show you how to load the MicroPython interpreter onto a variety of development boards.
LuMini 8x8 Matrix Hookup Guide
The LuMini 8x8 Matrix (APA102-2020) are the highest resolution LED matrix available.
LuMini Ring Hookup Guide
The LuMini Rings (APA102-2020) are the highest resolution LED rings available.
MicroMod Teensy Processor Hookup Guide
Add the processing power and versatility of the Teensy to your MicroMod project following this guide for the SparkFun MicroMod Teensy Processor.
Proto Pedal Example: Programmable Digital Pedal
Building a pedal around the Teensy 3.2 and Teensy Audio shield. Changing the effect in the pedal is as easy as uploading a new sketch!
Qwiic IR Array (MLX90640) Hookup Guide
The Melexis MLX90640 contains a 32x24 array of thermopile sensors creating, in essence, a low resolution thermal imaging camera. In this guide, we’ll go over how to connect your Qwiic Infrared Array with MLX90640 and get it communicating with Processing to produce a nice thermal image.
RGB Panel Jumbotron
This tutorial will show you how to combine a webcam, a 32x32 RGB LED panel, and a Teensy 3.1 to stream video from the webcam, pixelate it, and display it on the LED panel - LIVE.
Serial Controlled Motor Driver Hookup Guide
Hookup guide for the Serial Controlled Motor Driver
SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Teensy Hookup Guide
A short guide for assembling and using the SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Teensy and Qwiic Shield for Teensy Extended.
Teensy Arduino Shield Adapter Hookup Guide
A basic introduction and assembly guide for the SparkFun Teensy Arduino Shield Adapter.
TeensyView Hookup Guide
A guide to using the TeensyView OLED board to display text and graphics.
Teensy XBee Adapter Hookup Guide
Getting started with the Teensy 3.1 / Teensy 3.2 and XBee. Establishing a serial link.
Vox Imperium: Stormtrooper Voice Changer
Add some flair to your Imperial uniform by changing your voice using a Teensy 3.2 and Prop Shield.
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Viewing 19 Teensy Tutorials.
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