Electrical Engineering

These tutorials help form some of the fundamentals you would learn in an Electrical Engineering course of study.


April 1, 2013

A tutorial on all things resistors. What is a resistor, how do they behave in parallel/series, decoding the resistor color codes, and resistor applications.

Series and Parallel Circuits

August 20, 2013

An introduction into series and parallel circuits.

Shift Registers

August 23, 2013

An introduction to shift registers and potential uses.

Soil moisture-sensing by hacking a solar light

June 19, 2014

How to take a solar powered pathway light from a hardware store and make it into a crude soil moisture sensor.

SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

February 28, 2020

The SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) breakout board offers a wide range of customizable frequencies in a wide range of different signal types using a single reference clock. This hookup guide will go over all of the many available functions and gives the hardware rundown on what exactly is on this board.

SparkFun Troubleshooting Tips

October 19, 2017

Not working as expected? In this tutorial, we will be exploring a few general troubleshooting tips and possible solutions that frequently come up with SparkFun's Technical Support.

SparkPunk Hookup Guide

June 12, 2014

How to assemble and modify the SparkPunk Sound Generator kit.

SparkPunk Sequencer Hookup Guide

August 14, 2014

How to assemble and use the SparkPunk Sequencer kit.

SparkPunk Sequencer Theory and Applications Guide

August 14, 2014

Examine the inner workings of the SparkPunk Sequencer, then explore some modifications and alternate applications.


July 1, 2014

A crash course in bi-polar junction transistors. Learn how transistors work and in which circuits we use them.

Uh-Oh Battery Level Indicator Hookup Guide

April 9, 2014

Learn how to assemble and use the TL431 in the Uh-Oh Battery Level Indicator Kit.

Understanding Thermal Resistance

May 14, 2020

Discussing what thermal resistance is, how it’s used for thermal management, and how to maximize the life of your project.

Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law

February 6, 2013

Learn about Ohm's Law, one of the most fundamental equations in all electrical engineering.

Voltage Dividers

February 8, 2013

Turn a large voltage into a smaller one with voltage dividers. This tutorial covers: what a voltage divider circuit looks like and how it is used in the real world.

What is a Battery?

May 3, 2016

An overview of the inner workings of a battery and how it was invented.

What is a Circuit?

February 6, 2013

Every electrical project starts with a circuit. Don't know what a circuit is? We're here to help.

What is Electricity?

June 13, 2013

We can see electricity in action on our computers, lighting our houses, as lightning strikes in thunderstorms, but what is it? This is not an easy question, but this tutorial will shed some light on it!

Working with Wire

February 8, 2013

How to strip, crimp, and work with wire.
Viewing 66 Electrical Engineering Tutorials. View All Tutorials.

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