
Re-Programming the LilyTiny / LilyTwinkle

September 11, 2014

A quick tutorial showing how to reprogram the ATtiny85 IC found on the LilyTiny or LilyTwinkle boards.

Installing a Bootloader on the MicroView

August 22, 2014

Fix your bootloader-less MicroView! This tutorial covers how to: disassemble the MicroView, wire it up to an assortment of programmers, program the bootloader, and test it out.

Pocket AVR Programmer Hookup Guide

July 7, 2014

Skip the bootloader and load your program directly onto an AVR with the AVR Pocket Programmer.

Tiny AVR Programmer Hookup Guide

October 28, 2013

A how-to on the Tiny AVR Programmer. How to install drivers, hook it up, and program your favorite Tiny AVRs using AVRDUDE!

LDK Experiment 6: Microcontroller Circuits

October 2, 2013

Learn how to build a simple microcontroller circuit using the pre-programmed LilyTiny Board

Firefly Jar Assembly Guide

May 14, 2013

Make a soft circuit firefly jar with conductive thread, LEDs, and the LilyTwinkle!

The Uncertain 7-Cube

March 8, 2013

The Uncertain 7-Cube is a non-committal, less-than-helpful, but also entirely honest fortune teller. Simply ask it a yes or no question, give it a nudge, and the 7-Cube will dutifully inform you that it doesn’t have all the facts and doesn’t feel comfortable making a guess.

Soft Circuits: LED Feelings Pizza

February 13, 2013

Here we will learn how to say how you feel with pizza. Electric pizza.
Viewing 32 ATtiny Tutorials. View All Tutorials.

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