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Viewing 8 Physics Tutorials.
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Electric Power
An overview of electric power, the rate of energy transfer. We'll talk definition of power, watts, equations, and power ratings. 1.21 gigawatts of tutorial fun!
Getting Started with Load Cells
A tutorial defining what a load cell is and how to use one.
Light is a useful tool for the electrical engineer. Understanding how light relates to electronics is a fundamental skill for many projects.
MAG3110 Magnetometer Hookup Guide
Get started with the MAG3110 3-Axis Magnetometer and learn how to make your own digital compass that senses the Earth's magnetic fields.
Metric Prefixes and SI Units
This tutorial will explain how to use and convert between the standard metric prefixes.
Nuclear Battery Assembly Guide
How to put together your BYOT (Bring Your Own Tritium) Nuclear Battery Kit!
SparkFun Qwiic 3-Axis Accelerometer (ADXL313) Hookup Guide
Let's get moving with the SparkFun Triple Axis Digital Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL313 (Qwiic), a low cost, low power, up to 13-bit resolution, 3-axis accelerometer with a 32-level FIFO stack capable of measuring up to ±4g. This hookup guide will get users started reading measurements from the ADXL313, by Analog Devices, with an Arduino microcontroller, Jetson Nano, or Raspberry Pi.
What is Electricity?
We can see electricity in action on our computers, lighting our houses, as lightning strikes in thunderstorms, but what is it? This is not an easy question, but this tutorial will shed some light on it!
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Viewing 8 Physics Tutorials.
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