The SparkFun MicroView is the first chip-size Arduino-compatible module that lets you see what your Arduino is thinking by using a built-in Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display. In the heart of MicroView, there is an ATMEL ATmega328P and a 64x48 pixel micro OLED display, together with other passive components that allow the MicroView to operate without any external components other than a power supply. It fits nicely into a breadboard to make prototyping easy.
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Viewing 5 MicroView Tutorials.
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GPS Geo-Mapping at the Push of a Button
September 27, 2019
Let's ramp up our GPS tracking skills with KML files and Google Earth. We'll make a tracker that logs location and allows us to visualize our steps with Google Earth.
Installing a Bootloader on the MicroView
August 22, 2014
Fix your bootloader-less MicroView! This tutorial covers how to: disassemble the MicroView, wire it up to an assortment of programmers, program the bootloader, and test it out.
MicroView Digital Compass
October 24, 2016
Build a portable digital compass using the SparkFun MicroView and the MAG3110 Magnetometer Breakout.
MicroView Hookup Guide
December 15, 2016
A quick tutorial to get you up and running with your MicroView Development Board.
SparkFun Inventor's Kit for MicroView
February 27, 2015
The SparkFun Inventor's Kit for MicroView follows our tried and true inventor's kit model, bringing you 11 simple yet fun experiments to introduce you to the SparkFun MicroView.
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Viewing 5 MicroView Tutorials.
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