
Time is of the essence. Keep track of the date or time using a GPS module, Real Time Clock (RTC), or even grabbing the current time from the Internet. Whatever your preference, start making your own clock, timers, generating a signal, or adding a timestamp with your sensor data. Check out the tutorials below for ideas!

Blynk Board Project Guide

March 25, 2016

A series of Blynk projects you can set up on the Blynk Board without ever re-programming it.

SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

February 28, 2020

The SparkFun Clock Generator 5P49V60 (Qwiic) breakout board offers a wide range of customizable frequencies in a wide range of different signal types using a single reference clock. This hookup guide will go over all of the many available functions and gives the hardware rundown on what exactly is on this board.

SparkFun Inventor's Kit for Photon Experiment Guide

September 3, 2015

Dive into the world of the Internet of Things with the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for Photon.

Sunrise Machine with the Tessel 2

October 13, 2016

Are you to sleepy to enjoy a sunrise on a brisk morning? Yeah...us too! No worries, with a Webcam, a Tessel 2 and a bit of code you can sleep in and catch the sunrise at your leisure with the Sunrise Machine.

DeadOn RTC Breakout Hookup Guide

October 6, 2016

An introduction to the DS3234 real-time clock (RTC), example wiring diagrams, and an Arduino library!
Viewing 29 Time Tutorials. View All Tutorials.

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