Getting Started with the MyoWare® 2.0 Muscle Sensor Ecosystem

Contributors: QCPete, bboyho
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MyoWare 2.0 Reference Cable

The MyoWare 2.0 Reference Cable is meant as an extension for the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor's reference pin. By inserting the pin to its housing and placing a biomedical sensor pad into the electrode snap, you can stick the reference cable to a separate section of the body such as a bony portion of the elbow or a nonadjacent muscle near the targeted muscle where the built-in reference pin is unable to reach.

MyoWare 2.0 Reference Cable


MyoWare 2.0 Reference Cable - 10 pack


Hardware Overview

One end of the MyoWare 2.0 Reference Cable has a crimped pin with a tab. This is meant to be inserted into its respective pin housing on the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor. The tab will lock the pin in place. The other end has a snap pin to connect to a biomedical sensor pad. The cable is about 3 inches long.

Reference Cable