AzureWave Thing Plus (AW-CU488) Hookup Guide

Contributors: QCPete, bboyho
Favorited Favorite 3

Resources and Going Further

Now that you've successfully got your SparkFun AzureWave Thing Plus (AW-CU488) up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project! For more information, check out the resources below:

Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related to wireless tutorials.

Hackers in Residence - Hacking MindWave Mobile

Review, teardown, and hacking tutorial for the MindWave Mobile, a $99 commercial grade EEG sensor.

Teardown: Misfit Shine Activity Tracker

A quick tear down of the popular fitness tracking device, the Misfit Shine.

Teensy XBee Adapter Hookup Guide

Getting started with the Teensy 3.1 / Teensy 3.2 and XBee. Establishing a serial link.

Logging Data to Google Sheets with the Tessel 2

This project covers how to log data to Google Sheets two ways: using IFTTT with a web connection or a USB pen drive and "sneakernet" without.

Or check out some of these related to audio tutorials.

Spectrum Shield Hookup Guide (v2)

Want your project to react to music? Then the SparkFun Spectrum Shield is the product for you! Get going in no time with this Hookup Guide.

Tsunami Super WAV Trigger Hookup Guide

This guide will get users started with the Qwiic Tsunami. We'll start by putting *.wav files and a configuration file on a microSD card, pop it into the Qwiic Tsunami, then trigger sounds across multiple outputs.