GNSS Correction Data Receiver (NEO-D9S) Hookup Guide

Contributors: bboyho, PaulZC
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The SparkFun GNSS Correction Data Receiver - NEO-D9S is a satellite data receiver for L-band correction broadcast. It can be configured for use with a variety of correction services including u-blox's PointPerfect satellite GNSS augmentation service, which provides homogenous coverage in contiguous USA. With a clear view of the sky, especially a clear view to the South, it decodes the satellite transmission and outputs a correction stream, enabling a multi-band high precision GNSS receiver (such as the u-blox ZED-F9P) to reach accuracies down to centimeter-level positioning without needing a separate RTK or NTRIP correction!

SparkFun GNSS Correction Data Receiver - NEO-D9S (Qwiic)


Required Materials

To follow along with this tutorial, you will need the following materials. You may not need everything though depending on what you have. Add it to your cart, read through the guide, and adjust the cart as necessary.

Arduino Microcontroller

We recommend an Arduino microcontroller with the ability to connect to WiFi. This is useful for those users taking advantage of both the ThingStream PointPerfect Location-as-a-Service over L-Band Satellite and Internet Protocol (IP). The following boards with the ESP32 WROOM module can work.

SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C)


SparkFun IoT RedBoard - ESP32 Development Board


High Precision GNSS (HPG) Module

Along with the NEO-D9S, you will need a high precision GNSS (HPG) module from u-blox. As of the writing of his tutorial, the GNSS correction data receiver works for the ZED-F9P module. You will need to make sure that it has the latest firmware when using the modules together.

SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout - ZED-F9P (Qwiic)


SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P (Qwiic)


Antennae and Cables

For the ZED-F9P, you will need a multi-band antenna to take advantage of the L1 and L2 bands. For the NEO-D9S, you will need a L-band antenna. While the GNSS Multi-band L1/L2 Surveying Antenna (TNC) TOP106 was designed for L1 and L2, we found that it was able to pick up the correction data tuned to a frequency within the L-band (1556.29MHz in the US). Make sure to also pick up the TNC to SMA male interface cable and if necessary, an additional SMA extension cable or u.FL to SMA interface cable for the ZED-F9P breakout boards populated with the u.FL connector.

GNSS Multi-Band L1/L2 Surveying Antenna - TNC (TOP106)


Reinforced Interface Cable - SMA Male to TNC Male (10m)


Interface Cable - SMA Female to SMA Male (25cm)


Interface Cable U.FL to SMA - 100mm


You could also use the u-blox or MagmaX2 multi-band antenna for the ZED-F9P and NEO-D9S in the US. However, you would also need the ground plate. Again, while they were designed for L1 and L2, we found that it was also able to pick up the correction data tuned to a frequency within the L-band within the US. You may also need an additional u.FL to SMA interface cable for ZED-F9P breakout boards populated with the u.FL connector.

GNSS L1/L2 Multi-Band Magnetic Mount Antenna - 5m (SMA)


GPS Antenna Ground Plate


MagmaX2 Active Multiband GNSS Magnetic Mount Antenna - AA.200


Interface Cable U.FL to SMA - 100mm


Qwiic Cables

For those that want to take advantage of the Qwiic enabled devices, you'll want to grab a Qwiic cable between each board.

SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit


Qwiic Cable - 100mm


Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper (4-pin)


Qwiic Cable - 500mm


LiPo Battery

A single-cell Lithium-ion battery can be connected to the ESP32 IoT RedBoard's JST connector. In turn, this will power the NEO-D9S and ZED-F9P for portability.

Lithium Ion Battery - 850mAh


Lithium Ion Battery - 2Ah


Lithium Ion Battery - 6Ah


Lithium Ion Battery - 1Ah



Depending on your setup, you may need a soldering iron, solder, and general soldering accessories for a secure connection when using the plated through holes.

PINECIL Soldering Iron Kit


Solder Lead Free - 15-gram Tube


Prototyping Accessories

Depending on your setup, you may want to use IC hooks for a temporary connection. However, you will want to solder header pins to connect devices to the plated through holes for a secure connection.

Breadboard - Self-Adhesive (White)


IC Hook with Pigtail


Break Away Headers - Straight


Jumper - 2 Pin


You Will Also Need

You will need access to dynamic keys to decrypt the correct data sent from an L-band satellite. Users will need to purchase a pricing plan with the ThingStream PointPerfect Location-as-a-Service over L-Band Satellite. You can also purchase a pricing plan that includes the L-Band and Internet Protocol (IP).

From March 10th 2025, the u-blox PointPerfect service will only offered for the USA's contiguous 48 states and up to 12 nautical miles (roughly 22 kilometers) off coastlines. The EU L-Band service is being suspended on that date. Please see u-blox website for additional information. Make sure to check back on the u-blox's website to see if there is additional coverage in your region.

L-Band Coverage

  • Contiguous USA (L-band + IP)
    • All states, excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and offshore US territories

Suggested Reading

If you aren't familiar with the Qwiic system, we recommend reading here for an overview.

Qwiic Connect System
Qwiic Connect System

We would also recommend taking a look at the following tutorials if you aren't familiar with them.

GPS Basics

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an engineering marvel that we all have access to for a relatively low cost and no subscription fee. With the correct hardware and minimal effort, you can determine your position and time almost anywhere on the globe.

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPI is commonly used to connect microcontrollers to peripherals such as sensors, shift registers, and SD cards.

How to Power a Project

A tutorial to help figure out the power requirements of your project.

Logic Levels

Learn the difference between 3.3V and 5V devices and logic levels.


An introduction to I2C, one of the main embedded communications protocols in use today.

How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces

Handling PCB jumper pads and traces is an essential skill. Learn how to cut a PCB trace, add a solder jumper between pads to reroute connections, and repair a trace with the green wire method if a trace is damaged.

What is GPS RTK?

Learn about the latest generation of GPS and GNSS receivers to get 14mm positional accuracy!

Getting Started with U-Center for u-blox

Learn the tips and tricks to use the u-blox software tool to configure your GPS receiver.

GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide

Get precision down to the diameter of a dime with the new ZED-F9P from u-blox.