Smart Home Expansion Kit for Arduino 101
What's in the Kit?
Included Materials
Here are all of the parts in the Around-the-Home Expansion Kit for the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for the Arduino 101 board.
- IoT Relay --- A device that enables you to control an AC outlet using a GPIO pin
- PIR Motion Sensor --- Detects motion using infrared
- BME280 Barometric Pressure/Temperature/Humidity Sensor --- An I2C sensor that measures pressure, temperature, humidity and altitude
- Magnetic Door Switch --- The magnetic door switches you see in home security systems
- Sealed Reed Switch --- A magnetically actuated switch, sealed in plastic rather than the standard glass
- N-Channel MOSFET --- N channel MOSFET that is normally open and can control up to 30 volts
- 12V Solenoid Valve --- Solenoid valve that has 3/4" threads on both ends; should fit on a home garden hose with a simple adapter.
- SparkFun Moisture Sensor --- Changes resistance based on the moisture level between the two prongs
- Non-Invasive Current Sensor --- Sensor that detects the magnetic field generated by current flowing through a wire
- TRRS Breakout --- Breakout board for the Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve headphones connector
- 10 uF Capacitor --- A capacitor that stores and releases energy
- Magnet --- Yep...a magnet with a hole in it
- Female Disconnects --- Connectors used to connect bare wire to the tabs on the solenoid valve
- Infrared LED --- An LED that emits infrared light
- Infrared Detector --- Detects the frequency of infrared light that comes in contact with it
Bring Your Own Parts (BYOP)
This kit is designed to expand on the hardware and/or kit you already own. We assume that you have already worked through the SparkFun Inventor's Kit for the Arduino 101 and have most of the parts that came with that kit including an Arduino 101. We will ask you to put some of those parts to use in this experiment guide from time to time. So, go dust of that old SIK or cardboard box of parts, because you are gonna need 'em!
Experiment List
The following is a list of the experiements you will complete using the Around-the-Home Kit. Alternatively, you can navigate around using the buttons on the right.
- Experiment 1: Hello, World...Again
- Experiment 2: Using a Reed Switch
- Experiment 3: RGB Night Light
- Experiment 4: Reading a Door Switch
- Experiment 5: Motion!
- Experiment 6: Controlling a Solenoid with a MOSFET
- Experiment 7: Reading a Moisture Sensor
- Experiment 8: Atmospheric Conditions with BME280
- Experiment 9: Using a Current Sensor
Suggested Reading
Before continuing with this guide, we recommend you be somewhat familiar with the concepts in the following tutorials:
- Arduino 101 SIK Guide --- The step-by-step guide to the SIK for the Arduino 101. Make yourself familiar with this before diving into these experiments.
- Voltage, Current, Resistance and Ohm's Law --- The most basic concepts in electronics and electrical engineering. Get very familiar with these concepts, as they will be used throughout your electronics adventure.
- What Is a Circuit? --- In this guide, we will be building a variety of circuits. Understanding what that means is vital to understanding the Inventor's Kit.
- How to Use a Breadboard --- First time working with a breadboard? Please check out this tutorial! It will help you understand why the breadboard is great for prototyping and how to use one.
Open Source!
At SparkFun, our engineers and educators have been improving this kit and coming up with new experiments for a long time. We would like to give attribution to Oomlout, since we originally started working off the Arduino Kit material many years ago. Both the Oomlout and SparkFun versions are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license visit this link, or write: Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.