Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
For additional help with this project, please check out the following resources.
- M6E-NANO Design Guide- technical information about the module.
- EPC and RFID standards - set by GS1, the governing body behind RFID (and barcodes too!)
- RFID V2.0.1 Protocol
- ThingMagic App Note - Documentation for running the Mercury API on an Arduino Mega.
- SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Arduino Library Repository - Arduino Library files
- GitHub Hardware Repository - Hardware design files
- Eagle Files - .ZIP download of the schematic and board files
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Interested in more RFID?
We've got a page just for you! Get an overview of the basics of how RFID works, the hardware needed and tutorials to get you started.