Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate
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Hardware Hookup

There are two main options for hooking up this board. Depending on how you plan to communicate with the board will change which method is recommended for you.

We recommend reviewing the through-hole soldering tutorial and how to work with wire if you are not familiar with basic soldering techniques.

Communicating via USB UART Serial

To communicate with a computer via USB Serial we recommend the Serial Basic or other USB UART boards. To connect, you will need to solder a 6-pin right angle header to the Serial port section of the SRTR.

Note: The FTDI Cable products are known to be incompatible with the Simultaneous RFID Reader. Please use the CH340 Serial Basic Breakout or other serial interface.

Attaching the 6-pin header

Plug in your serial breakout board via USB to your computer, and hook it up to the right angle headers that you just soldered to your SRTR.

Communicating via Arduino-Compatible Board

To use the SRTR as an Arduino shield, you will need solder stackable headers onto the shield. Check out our tutorial on soldering stackable headers if you are not sure how to do this.

We've used the SRTR with the RedBoard and other Uno compatible boards. Unfortunately the Leonardo and Mega don't support Softwareserial RX on pin 2 so you'll need to wire from pin 2 on the shield to pin D11. Additional pins will work for software RX but see the Softwareserial page for more information.

RFID Arduino Shield with stackable headers

Shield with stackable headers installed.

Note: The ground plane heat sink may connect with the Arduino ISP headers causing a short. We recommend adding the piece of gray, non-conductive thermal pap filler that shipped with your shield to prevent a short.

Thermal Gap Filler

Next, install the shield onto the Arduino of your choice. We use the SparkFun RedBoard.

Isolating the ground plane

Thermal Gap Filler isolating the thermal pour from the RedBoard ICSP pins