LilyPad Development Board Activity Guide

Contributors: Gella
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Resources and Going Further

For more information about the LilyPad Development Board, check out the resources below:

Here are some additional LilyPad boards that can be combined with the LilyPad Development Board and project ideas:

LilyPad Pixel Board Hookup Guide

Add changing colors to your wearable projects using LilyPad Pixel Boards.

LilyPad Reed Switch Hookup Guide

A guide to using the LilyPad Reed Switch breakout in your projects.

LilyPad Safety Scarf

This scarf is embedded with a ribbon of LEDs that illuminate when it gets dark out, making yourself more visible to vehicle and other pedestrians.

Here are some resources to help you plan a project with the LilyPad Development Board:

Insulation Techniques for e-Textiles

Learn a few different ways to protect your conductive thread and LilyPad components in your next wearables project.

Planning a Wearable Electronics Project

Tips and tricks for brainstorming and creating a wearables project.

Powering LilyPad LED Projects

Learn how to calculate how many LEDs your LilyPad project can power and how long it will last.

LilyPad Basics: E-Sewing

Learn how to use conductive thread with LilyPad components.

For educators looking for classroom activities with the LilyPad Development Board and e-textiles, try looking at our education resources:

Intro to Arduino with LilyPad Development Board at Artisan's Asylum

February 6, 2014

Presentation for the Make a MakerSpace at Artisan’s Asylum.

LilyPad and Sewable Circuits in Libraries

October 20, 2014

Tips for incorporating easy to use, scalable, and fun activities for library programs.

e-Textile Art Pin

June 11, 2014

Create a quick and easy piece of e-textile art using a LilyPad LED, Battery Holder, conductive thread, and coin cell battery.

E-Textiles and the Maker Student

September 29, 2016

An overview of SparkFun's work using sewable electronics to teach introductory electronics.