Getting Hands-On with Soft Circuits Guide from High-Low Tech Lab
Fun e-Textile oriented guide and additional projects to get you started in the fun world of sewable electronics. The guide outlines each concept with a simple project that students can complete to learn the concept. The Soft Circuits guide is the perfect place for beginners to learn the basics of e-textiles. The Soft Circuits guide was written by Emily Lovell at the High - Low Tech research group at M.I.T. Media Labs. The Plush Monsters were developed by Emily Lovell, Jie Qi, and Natalie Freed at the High - Low Tech research and the Personal Robots groups at M.I.T. Media Labs.
Concepts covered include:
- Soft Circuits and what they are
- Troubleshooting Soft Circuits
- A simple soft circuit switch
- Other types of switches
- Parallel circuits
- Microcontrollers
[](Getting Hands-On with Soft Circuits Guide from High-Low Tech Lab)