
Contributors: D___Run___
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Experiment 9: Motor


Note: If you ARE using the Chrome App you will skip any console commands and run the example code directly in the app

How could you make a motor spin in different directions? With an H-Bridge! In this experiment you will use the H-Bridge to control the motor's direction and speed.

Parts Needed

You will need the following parts:

  • 1x Breadboard
  • 1x SparkFun RedBoard
  • 1x SN754410 H-Bridge IC
  • 1x 48:1 Geared Motor
  • 12x Jumper Wires

Didn't Get the Tinker Kit?

If you are conducting this experiment and didn't get the Tinker Kit, we suggest using these parts:

Breadboard - Self-Adhesive (White)


Hobby Gearmotor - 140 RPM (Pair)


Jumper Wires - Connected 6" (M/M, 20 pack)


H-Bridge Motor Driver 1A


SparkFun RedBoard - Programmed with Arduino


Introducing the H-Bridge

The SN754410 is an Integrated Circuit (IC), called an H-Bridge, that makes controlling motors easier. An H-Bridge allows you to control both the direction and the amount of an electrical current being supplied to a motor. You can think of it as a smart valve that allows you to change the direction of the current passing through the motor.

To switch the direction of the current, you use two pins to toggle pins on the board either HIGH or LOW. If the two direction pins are both HIGH or LOW at the same time, that causes the board to brake the motors. If one pin is HIGH and the other is LOW, the motor spins in one direction. If you flip-flop the states, the motor spins in the opposite direction. The IC is also powered separately with 5V supplied to pin 16 on the IC, and up to 36V for the motor voltage on pin 8 of the IC.

WARNING: You will be using voltage that may be higher than the limit of the circuitry on your RedBoard allows! Make sure you keep motor voltage (MV) isolated from other circuitry! Accidentally using MV to power other circuitry may cause irreparable damage to your RedBoard!

You can control up to two motors with a single IC. You can use this diagram as a reference for pin numbers in conjunction with the table below.

Image courtesy of ITP at NYU

Hookup Table

1 PWM signal for controlling the speed of motor A
2 Direction pin 1 for motor A
3 Motor A connection 1
4 Ground / Heat Sink
5 Ground / Heat Sink
6 Motor A connection 2
7 Direction pin 2 for motor A
8 Motor supply voltage
9 PWM signal for controlling the speed of motor B
10 Direction pin 1 for motor B
11 Motor B connection 1
12 Ground / Heat Sink
13 Ground / Heat Sink
14 Motor B connection 2
15 Direction pin 2 for motor B
16 Chip voltage (5V)

Hardware Hookup

Ready to start hooking everything up? Check out the wiring diagram below to see how everything is connected.

Pay special attention to the component’s markings indicating how to place it on the breadboard. Polarized components can only be connected to a circuit in one direction.
Note: It is possible that you may need to bend the legs of your H-Bridge in slightly for it to line up with the breadboard. You can do this by using a table top as a flat surface and gently "roll" the IC using the table to bend the pins until they are vertical.

Wiring Diagram for the Experiment

alt text

Having a hard time seeing the circuit? Click on the wiring diagram for a closer look.

Write your Script

Remember to Setup Your Project Directory!

From your `SIK` directory make sure that create a new project directory for this experiment and create an empty project by typing in the following commands while in your `SIK` directory.

mkdir exp_09;
cd exp_09;
npm init -y;
npm install johnny-five

Once done you will have created a project directory, moved into it, created an npm project and installed Johnny-Five. Wahoo!

Create a new file called "motor.js" from the command line using the following command.

touch motor.js

Now, use a text editor to open your motor.js file and type out or copy and paste the following code into it.

const five = require('johnny-five');

const board = new five.Board();

board.on('ready', ()=>{
   const motor = new five.Motor({
         pwm: 6,
         dir: 5,
      invert: false 


   motor.on('forward', ()=>{
      console.log('motor driving forward');
      board.wait(2000, ()=>{

   motor.on('brake', ()=>{
      console.log('motor braked');
      board.wait(2000, ()=>{

Make sure you save your file and then run it from the console by typing the following command.

node motor.js

Code to Note

const motor = new five.Motor({
         pwm: 6,
         dir: 5,
      invert: false 

When you create a motor component class object with this specific H-Bridge you have to specify three different pins: PWM, or the speed pin and then two directions pins. In this case 6,5 and 4 respectively. Notice that the pins parameter is an object by itself. There is also an option to invert your logic with an invert parameter. We set this to false.


Once you have created the motor object you can then use the direction methods that are connected to it. In this case we used the forward() method. We pass the method an 8 bit (0 - 255) speed value.

motor.on('forward', ()=>{
      console.log('motor driving forward');
      board.wait(2000, ()=>{

The direction methods have event emitters connected to them and so there is also event listeners. In this case the forward event listener is triggered when the forward() method is called. In this example we log a message and then after 2 seconds we call the motor.brake() method.

motor.on('brake', ()=>{
      console.log('motor braked');

The brake event listener is similar to the forward event listener. This time we then call the forward() method again which will put this into an event based loop of driving forward and braking every 2 seconds.

What You Should See

When you start your script the motor will spin in one direction at full speed for two seconds (2000 milliseconds) and then stop. Your console will also log motor driving forward and motor braked respectively over and over again.

motor driving forward
motor braked
motor drive forward
motor braked


Motor Not Spinning

This is your first encounter with an IC! Make sure that the chip is seated into the breadboard snuggly and none of the pins aren't bent underneath the chip

Still nothing...

There are a lot of pins and wires in play! Double check your circuit and that the pins you specify in your code are the ones that you have wired up!

Motors directions are backwards!

Forward and reverse are arbitrary directions in code! If your motor is going in the opposite direction of your "forward", swap the motor wires where they connect to the breadboard.

Still No Success

A broken circuit is no fun. Send us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we can:

Beyond forward and reverse

motor.fwd() is an alias for the forward() method

motor.rev() is an alias for the reverse() method

motor.stop() is a coasting stop, doen't hard stop the motor

motor.start() is used to restart the motor in its current direction.

motor.release() is similar to start() but used after the brake() method, releasing the brake!

Exploring Node.js

Motors are great! They are even better when you can automate what they do, especially from a user interface when you can just select an option and not have to do any more programming. Its a great way to be able to test things like motors and projects that have similar circuits. Sometimes it seems a little daunting to build those tools, but command line tools like Inquirer make it easier to build a menu based interface for your project!


A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.

inquirer logo

Inquirer is a module that allows you to build simple, command line based menus for your Node.js apps. In this case we will use it to build menu for different motor functions. The motor function options that we want are as follows:

  • forward (full speed)
  • reverse (full speed)
  • on/off "blink" (forward)
  • ramp up (acceleration)
  • off

OK, let's get on this! Start by installing the inquirer module with the following command.

npm install inquirer

Testing Inquirer

Next, we will want to give Inquirer a test run. Create a new javascript file called "inqTest.js" using the following command.

touch inqTest.js

Now open your inqTest.js file in your text editor and copy and paste or type out the following code into the file.

var inquirer = require('inquirer');


function inq() {
     type: 'list',
     name: 'macro',
     message: 'What do you want your motor to do?',
     choices: [
       'Forward (full speed)',
       'Forward (half speed)',
       'Reverse (full speed)',
       'Reverse (half speed)',
       'On/Off ("Blink")',
       'Ramp Up',
  ]).then(function (answers) {
        case 'Forward (full speed)':
          console.log('Forward (full speed)');
        case 'Forward (half speed)':
           console.log('Forward (half speed)');

        case 'Reverse (full speed)':
           console.log('Reverse (full speed)');

        case 'Reverse (half speed)':
           console.log('Reverse (half speed)');

        case 'On/Off ("Blink")':
           console.log('On/Off ("Blink")');

        case 'Ramp Up':
           console.log('Ramp Up');

        case 'Off':


Make sure you save this file and then execute it using the following command.

node inqTest.js

This should launch your app in the command line with a simple menu that looks like the following.

? What do you want your motor to do? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Forward (full speed) 
  Forward (half speed) 
  Reverse (full speed) 
  Reverse (half speed) 
  On/Off ("Blink") 
  Ramp Up 

Now, this shouldn't actually control your motors yet. When you move the cursor up and down with your arrow key and make a selection by pressing the Enter key. The console should log your selection and then relaunch the menu. Awesome! Let's take a second and take a look at how this works because there are some things that are new to us.

Code to Note


function inq() {
   //define inq()

First of all we call a function called inq(), but then define that function below. This is called hoisting, meaning that you can define the function anywhere in your script and then use it above it.

     type: 'list',
     name: 'macro',
     message: 'What do you want your motor to do?',
     choices: [
       'Forward (full speed)',
       'Forward (half speed)',
       'Reverse (full speed)',
       'Reverse (half speed)',
       'On/Off ("Blink")',
       'Ramp Up',

The first part of our inq() function is the inquirer.prompt(). We define a few parameters. This is the type of the prompt, in this case a list. We give it a name; macro. and then a prompt message. This message will be shown at the top of our menu. Finally we pass our choices as an array of strings. Fewww...Done!

then(function (answers) {
      //do something if Promise returns a success!

This is new to us! This .then() concept is called promise based programming. Where you have what is called a Promise where you have an executor function that is passed two other functions. Those functions are the resolve and reject functions. In a simple way if the executor function resolves the promise, it runs the resolve function, if it is rejected by the promise then it runs the reject. There is a whole lot to the concept of promises, you can find out more here. For now, we have a single resolve function which includes a long Switch Case of our menu objects.

        case 'Forward (full speed)':
          console.log('Forward (full speed)');
        case 'Forward (half speed)':
           console.log('Forward (half speed)');

        case 'Reverse (full speed)':
           console.log('Reverse (full speed)');

        case 'Reverse (half speed)':
           console.log('Reverse (half speed)');

        case 'On/Off ("Blink")':
           console.log('On/Off ("Blink")');

        case 'Ramp Up':
           console.log('Ramp Up');

        case 'Off':


The Switch case is similar to an if() statement, but it instead of a boolean logic statement you pass it a variable and a number of cases that variable can match. When the variable match a case, that specific group of code is ran. For example if answers.macro matches Off the Switch case runs the code under that case. Notice that each case: is closed with a break; command which returns the function outside of the Switch case.

Adding Motor Functionality

OK, we have the major body of code figured out, we just now have to add the motor functionality to this code using Johnny-Five. Create a new javascript file called "final.js" by running the following command.

touch final.js

Now open your final.js file in your text editor and type or copy and paste the following script.

var inquirer = require('inquirer');
var five = require('johnny-five');

var board = new five.Board();

board.on('ready', ()=>{
  var motor = new five.Motor({
      pwm: 9,
      dir: 10,
      cdir: 11


function inq(motor) {
      type: 'list',
      name: 'macro',
      message: 'What do you want your motor to do?',
      choices: [
        'Forward (full speed)',
        'Forward (half speed)',
        'Reverse (full speed)',
        'Reverse (half speed)',
        'On/Off ("Blink")',
        'Ramp Up',
  ]).then(function (answers) {
        case 'Forward (full speed)':

        case 'Forward (half speed)':

        case 'Reverse (full speed)':

        case 'Reverse (half speed)':

        case 'On/Off ("Blink")':

        case 'Ramp Up':
          for(int i = 0; i <=255; i++){

        case 'Off':


Make sure that you save your file and then execute it by running the following command.

node final.js

Now, the same menu will launch in your console but when you make a selection it will actually control your motor. Try it out! Then when the menu relaunches you can make a new selection. You now have a pretty cool command line tool to control a motor!