SparkFun Qwiic Micro (SAMD21E) Hookup Guide

Contributors: M-Short, Elias The Sparkiest, bboyho
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Example 1: Blink

Here's a quick example sketch to get the iconic blinking blue stat LED for Arduino blinking on the SparkFun Qwiic Micro; simply copy and paste from below, then click upload!

const int LED = 13; // Blue "stat" LED on pin 13

void setup() 
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //set pin as output
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW); //turn LED off

void loop() 

  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Blue LED on
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Blue LED off

Now that you've passed the Arduino litmus test, you're all set up to start building your first project. If you haven't already, go check out our Qwiic eco-system which allows you to easily connect with sensors and other devices without the need for soldering.

Qwiic Connect System

In addition each add-on board within this eco-system has a library to get you started right away. For example, do you want to turn on a lamp with your SparkFun Qwiic Micro, better yet four lamps, or perhaps you'd like to see how much light your plants are getting? Check out any tutorial tagged with Arduino, sensor, and Qwiic for more ideas!

Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout Hookup Guide

The future is here! Our Qwiic Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout allows you to display custom images on a transparent screen using either I2C or SPI connections.

RedBoard Edge Hookup Guide

The RedBoard Edge is a RedBoard that's been rebuilt around the idea that projects are eventually put into an enclosure to help clean up their look.

Build a Qwiic Jukebox that is Toddler Approved!

Follow this tutorial to build your own custom jukebox. Note, this is designed simple and tough for use primarily with toddlers. It's also a great introduction to SparkFun's Qwiic products!

How to Play Multiple Buzzers at Once

This tutorial demonstrates the SparkFun Qwiic Buzzer's ability to control multiple buzzers simultaneously by playing a 3-part arrangement of a segment of the Super Mario Bros Theme!