SparkFun Qwiic Micro (SAMD21E) Hookup Guide

Contributors: M-Short, Elias The Sparkiest, bboyho
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CircuitPython is Adafruit's version of MicroPython. We like it here at SparkFun because of it's support for the SAMD based microcontrollers. If you're not familiar with CircuitPython, then I encourage you to check Adafruit's website for more information.

We've provided two different CircuitPython builds for the Qwiic Micro in the Qwiic Micro's hardware repo, one for those of you have soldered the flash chip sold on SparkFun and one for those without flash chip. You can also get both firmware zip files by clicking the respective buttons below. If you're not familiar with the optional flash chip you can add to the SparkFun Qwiic Micro, head back to the Hardware Overview and take a look.

Inside the zipped file are three different files which all do the same things. One of the files has a .uf2 file extension which is designed to work with UF2 bootloaders. In the next section, we'll focus on installing CircuitPython using this method.