SIK Experiment Guide for the Arduino 101/Genuino 101 Board

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Experiment 3: Driving an RGB LED


You know whatā€™s even more fun than a blinking LED? Changing colors with one LED. In this circuit, youā€™ll learn how to use an RGB LED to create unique color combinations. Depending on how bright each diode is, nearly any color is possible!

Parts Needed

You will need the following parts:

  • 1x Breadboard
  • 1x Arduino 101 or Genuino 101 board
  • 1x Common Cathode RGB LED
  • 3x 100Ī© Resistors
  • 6x Jumper Wires

Didn't Get the 101 SIK?

If you are conducting this experiment and didn't get the SIK, we suggest using these parts:

Breadboard - Self-Adhesive (White)


Jumper Wires - Connected 6" (M/M, 20 pack)


LED - RGB Clear Common Cathode


Resistor 100 Ohm 1/4th Watt PTH - 20 pack


You will also need either an Arduino 101 OR Genuino 101 board.

Arduino 101


Genuino 101


Introducing the Red Green Blue (RGB) LED

The Red Green Blue (RGB) LED is 3 LEDs in one. The RGB has four pins with each of the three shorter pins controlling an individual color: red, green or blue. The longer pin of the RGB is the common ground pin. You can create a custom colored LED by turning different colors on and off to combine them. For example, if you turn on the red pin and green pin, the RGB will light up as yellow.

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But which pin is which color? Pick up the RGB so that the longest pin (common ground) is aligned to the left as shown in the graphic below. The pins are Red, Ground, Green, and Blue -- starting from the far left.

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**Note: When wiring the RGB, each colored pin still needs a current-limiting resistor in-line with the I/O pin that you plan to use to control it, as with any standard LED. **

Hardware Hookup

Ready to start hooking everything up? Check out the wiring diagram and hookup table below to see how everything is connected.

Pay special attention to the componentā€™s markings indicating how to place it on the breadboard. Polarized components can only be connected to a circuit in one direction. Polarized components are highlighted with a yellow warning triangle in the table below.

Wiring Diagram for the Experiment

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Having a hard time seeing the circuit? Click on the wiring diagram for a closer look.

Open the Sketch

Open the Arduino IDE software on your computer. Coding in the Arduino language will control your circuit. Open the code for Circuit 3 by accessing the ā€œ101 SIK Guide Codeā€ you downloaded and placed into your ā€œExamplesā€ folder earlier.

To open the code go to: File > Examples >101 SIK Guide Code > Circuit_03

You can also copy and paste the following code into the Arduino IDE. Hit upload, and see what happens!

SparkFun Inventor's Kit 
Example sketch 03


Make an RGB LED display a rainbow of colors!

This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics,
with lots of help from the Arduino community.
Visit for SIK information.
Visit to learn about the Arduino.

//create variables for pin numbers. We are making them constants here, because they       //never change. 
const int RED_PIN = 5;
const int GREEN_PIN = 6;
const int BLUE_PIN = 9;

// How fast we plan to cycle through colors in milliseconds
int DISPLAY_TIME = 10;  

void setup()
//set the three pin variables as outputs

void loop()
// We've written a custom function called mainColors() that steps
// through all eight of these colors. We're only "calling" the
// function here (telling it to run). The actual function code
// is further down in the sketch.


// Here's the mainColors() custom function we've written.
void mainColors()
// Off (all LEDs off):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW);

//wait 1 second

// Red (turn just the red LED on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW);

//wait 1 seconds

// Green (turn just the green LED on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW);

//wait 1 second

// Blue (turn just the blue LED on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH);

//wait 1 second

// Yellow (turn red and green on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW);

//wait 1 second

// Cyan (turn green and blue on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH);

//wait 1 second

// Purple (turn red and blue on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH);

//wait 1 second

// White (turn all the LEDs on):
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH);

//wait 1 second

Code to Note

for (x = 0; x < 768; x++)

A for() loop is used to repeat an action a set number of times across a range, and repeatedly runs code within the brackets {}. Here the variable "x" starts a 0, ends at 767, and increases by one each time ("x++").

if (x <= 255)

"If / else" statements are used to make choices in your programs. The statement within the parenthesis () is evaluated; if it's true, the code within the first brackets {} will run. If it's not true, the code within the second brackets {} will run.

What You Should See

You should see your LED turn on, but this time in new, crazy colors! If it isn't, make sure you have assembled the circuit correctly and verified and uploaded the code to your board, or see the Troubleshooting section.

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LED Remains Dark or Shows Incorrect Color

With the four pins of the LED so close together, itā€™s sometimes easy to misplace one. Double check each pin is where it should be.

Seeing Red

The red diode within the RGB LED may be a bit brighter than the other two. To make your colors more balanced, use a higher ohm resistor.