Getting Started with the SparkFun Blynk Board

Contributors: jimblom
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Identifying Your Blynk Board

While the Blynk Board's RGB blinking may look random at first, it will follow a repeating pattern -- a unique sequence of four colors including either red, green, blue, purple, or yellow, with a long stop in between. This color-code will help identify your board, just in case you're not the only one in town setting up a Blynk Board.

Four characters matching that color code will be added to the name of your Blynk Board. For example, if the RGB LED is blinking a pattern of blue, green, red, green..

Blynk Board blinking blue, green, red, green

...the Blynk Board name will be BlynkMe-BGRG.

The table below documents which color matches which character.

ColorBlynk Name Character

That's not all the RGB LED does though!