Getting Started with LilyPad

Contributors: Gella
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Pre-Programmed Circuits

If you are ready to try some flashier effects with LEDs or explore how programmed projects work without writing the code yourself, pre-programmed LilyPad boards are a great option.

Pre-Programmed Circuits

The LilyPad line includes four products that are project-ready: the LilyTiny, LilyTwinkle, LilyTwinkle ProtoSnap and LilyMini ProtoSnap — just sew and glow!





LilyPad LilyMini ProtoSnap


LilyTwinkle ProtoSnap


The LilyTiny and LilyTwinkle are small LilyPad boards with pre-loaded programs on them. Just hook them up to a LilyPad Coin Cell Battery Holder and some LilyPad LEDs to see different light patterns display on the LEDs. Both the LilyTiny and LilyTwinkle use the same circuit board and controller, but differ in the code they ship with.


The LilyTiny has a different light pattern programmed for each numbered sew tab. Tab 0 controls a “breathing” fade, tab 1 flashes a heartbeat pattern, tab 2 creates an on/off blink, and tab 3 produces a random fading effect (twinkle). The LilyTiny is a great way to try out different light patterns in a project.



Try checking out a demo of the LilyTiny below.

See the LilyTiny in Action

Here are some LilyTiny projects to try:

LDK Experiment 6: Microcontroller Circuits

Learn how to build a simple microcontroller circuit using the pre-programmed LilyTiny Board

LilyTiny Plush Monster

Craft a stuffed monster while exploring the LilyTiny preprogrammed microcontroller. This is a project based on the Plush Monster Activity created at MIT's High-Low Tech Lab by Emily Lovell, Jie Qi, and Natalie Freed.

Twinkle Zodiac Constellation

Create a quick and easy piece of e-textile art based on a Zodiac sign using a LilyTiny, LilyPad LEDs, battery holder, conductive thread, and coin cell battery.

Suggested Materials:

  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Felt or Fabric
  • Hot Glue and Glue Gun
  • Conductive Thread
  • LilyTiny
  • LilyPad Coin Cell Battery Holder
  • Coin Cell Battery
  • LilyPad LEDs


If you are looking for an overall sparkling effect on a project, the LilyTwinkle has all four numbered tabs programmed with a random fading effect, mimicking twinkling stars or fireflies. The LilyTwinkle also comes in a LilyTwinkle ProtoSnap, a pre-wired board containing everything you need to test and sew a LilyTwinkle project.



Try checking out a demo of the LilyTwinkle below.

See the LilyTwinkle in Action

Here are some LilyTwinkle projects to try:

Soft Circuits: LED Feelings Pizza

Here we will learn how to say how you feel with pizza. Electric pizza.

Firefly Jar Assembly Guide

Make a soft circuit firefly jar with conductive thread, LEDs, and the LilyTwinkle!

Twinkling Trick or Treat Bag

Make a light up goodie bag with conductive thread, LEDs, and the LilyTwinkle!

Suggested Materials:

  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Felt or Fabric
  • Hot Glue and Glue Gun
  • Conductive Thread
  • LilyTwinkle or LilyTwinkle ProtoSnap
  • LilyPad Coin Cell Battery Holder (included if using ProtoSnap)
  • Coin Cell Battery (included if using ProtoSnap)
  • LilyPad LEDs (included if using ProtoSnap)

LilyMini ProtoSnap

LilyPad LilyMini ProtoSnap


For something more interactive, try the LilyMini ProtoSnap — a pre-wired, pre-programmed LilyPad board with a LilyPad Light Sensor and LilyPad Button attached to it. The LilyMini includes a built-in coin cell battery holder to eliminate additional sewing. Test out the circuit with the pre-wired connections, then snap apart and sew into a project. The LilyMini ProtoSnap has three pre-programmed modes (indicated by a built-in RGB LED): white (all LEDs on), magenta (LEDs fade in and out in a “breathing” pattern with speed affected by covering the light sensor), and cyan (when the light sensor is covered, LEDs twinkle).

See the LilyMini ProtoSnap in Action

Here are some LilyMini projects to try:

LilyMini ProtoSnap Hookup Guide

Explore the LilyPad LilyMini ProtoSnap and learn how to use it.

Night-Light Pennant with LilyMini ProtoSnap

Use the pre-programmed LilyMini ProtoSnap to make an interactive pennant that reacts to ambient light levels.

Suggested Materials:

  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Felt or fabric
  • Hot Glue and Glue Gun
  • Conductive Thread
  • LilyMini ProtoSnap (includes Coin Cell Battery)