Comments: Cryptographic Co-Processor ATECC508A (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

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  • RadTEST / about 4 years ago / 1

    Specifically when the debug is turned on for the checkCount...

    11:12:32.065 -> countGlobal: 0x0 11:12:32.065 -> count heard from IC (inpuBuffer[0]): 0xFF 11:12:32.065 -> Message Count Error

  • RadTEST / about 4 years ago / 1

    Like MakerStorage I cannot get the 'Example 2 Sign' library to work - I am using alternative boards (Arduino Uno, Mega 2560, Mikroe Flip and Click). As far as I have got in look at this, the error is in the - ATECCX08A::checkCount(boolean debug) routine within the .CCP file in the library - this causes a failure in the ATECCX08A::createSignature(uint8_t *data, uint16_t slot) routine in its call to the ATECCX08A::loadTempKey(uint8_t *data) routine.

    if (!checkCount() || !checkCrc()) return false;

    Returns the problem.

  • MakerStorage / about 4 years ago / 1

    "Example 2 Sign" did not print out the signature. atecc.createSignature(message); does this call print out the signature?

    • MakerStorage / about 4 years ago / 1

      for the verify example I am getting Load TempKey Failure Verification failure.

    • MakerStorage / about 4 years ago / 1

      my atecc.createSignature(message) returns false :(

  • MakerStorage / about 4 years ago / 1

    Thanks for these great examples. I am a little bit confused. In order to transfer a message secretly, Bob encrypts the message with Alice's public key and sends her an encrypted message. Alice decrypts it with her private key and reads the secret message.

    The message itself did not travel from Bob to Alice. Can we do that with ATECC508A Arduino Library? In your examples, you are sending the message also. This is strange.

    Regards, Nuri

    • Hi Nuri, The ATECC508A does not encrypt or decrypt messages. It only creates signatures. In the examples we have provided, the message is sent as clear text along with a signature.

      The keys are only used to create and verify signatures.

      Hope this helps! -Pete

      • MakerStorage / about 4 years ago / 1

        Thanks, Pete. Is it possible to generate a key, sign a message on the software side like OpenSSL? I have only one ATECC508 setup I want to simulate Alice with my computer using OpenSSL. Is this possible? Did you ever do that? Any help welcome

  • BerenV / about 5 years ago * / 1

    "Aretemis" should be "Artemis" ;) (in the beginning of the Hardware Hookup section)

    Also "With eachother publc keys" should be fixed... The link didn't format correctly at the beginning of Example 4 "prevent" should be "prevents" in the beginning of Example 6 The list goes on...

    Nice hookup guide though! I guess it just hasn't been proofread yet.

    • Hey BerenV, Thanks for catching those. I'm sorry to say that I am part of a generation that relies too heavily on computers to fix my spelling and grammar. I fixed the ones you mentioned, and will request a set of fresh eyes from around here to give it another look. Sorry about that and thanks again!

      PS on a related note: it's slightly annoying that we can't spell-check/grammar-check hookup guides (or any content actually), because it's all in markdown, and a simple copy paste into a word editor throws too many "false calls". Does anyone know of a good tool that can spell check markdown and only show spelling errors that are part of visible text on a the website?

      • BerenV / about 5 years ago / 1

        Yup, I'm a Gen Z but for some reason I'm never happy with spell checkers or Grammarly and like to do it manually. I don't know of a tool that can do markdown, but couldn't you just preview the article and run something on it to check for errors?

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