Wireless Controlled Wearable EL Wire Dance Suit
Understanding Your Circuit
Glove Controller
If you have not already, make sure to check out this tutorial on making a wireless glove controller.
Wireless Glove Controller
The XBee configuration and circuit used in the tutorial is the same as the one used to control each of the EL Sequencers.
Remote EL Sequencers
Each dancer has a remote EL Sequencer attached to their suit. If you have not already, make sure to check out the following tutorials to controlling each channel of the EL Sequencer, modify your inverter, and to make your own simple EL Wire suit.
EL Sequencer/Escudo Dos Hookup Guide
EL Wire Hoodie
EL Wire Pants
How to Make a Custom EL Wire Extension Cable
Modifying Your EL Wire Inverter
Since the EL Sequencer was using the 12V inverter, a solder jumper was added to SJ1. A 9V battery was as sufficient to power the "12V" inverter, XBee, and EL Sequencer. For simplicity, each dancer had one 3M EL Wire attached to the hoodie and and another 3M for the pants. The only difference was the connection in the EL Wire channel. Each student was paired together to have the same two channels.
Here's a quick top view of the wireless controller and each remote EL Sequencer.