MAX30105 Particle and Pulse Ox Sensor Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
For more on the MAX30105 Particle Sensor Breakout Board the Maxim MAX3010x, check out the links below:
- MAX30105 Breakout Board GitHub Repository -- Home base for the sensor's latest design files
- MAX30105 Breakout Board Schematic (PDF)
- MAX30105 Breakout Board Eagle Files (ZIP)
- MAX30105 Datasheet (PDF)
- SparkFun MAX3010x Sensor Library GitHub Repository -- Source and example files for the Arduino library used in this tutorial.
- SFE Product Showcase
How Can You Help?
The MAX30105 is a very powerful sensor but we’ve only scratched the surface of what it's capable of. If you are an algorithms guru and have a better method for calculating heart rate, or SPO2, or particle detection we would love to hear from you! Please send us a link to your repo, and we’ll include it here.
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