MAX30105 Particle and Pulse Ox Sensor Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate
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Example 5 - HeartRate

Hey! Let's have a brief chat about what this code does. We're going to try to detect heart-rate optically. This is tricky and prone to give false readings. We really don't want to get anyone hurt, so use this code only as an example of how to process optical data. Build fun stuff with our MAX30105 breakout board, but don't use it for actual medical diagnosis.

Open the Example5 HeartRate sketch, and load it on your Redboard or Uno.

Heart rate output

This example runs a filter called the PBA or Penpheral Beat Amplitude algorithm on the IR data. This algorithm is able to pull out the blips from all the noise and calculate the time between blips to get a heart rate. The output is your instantaneous heart rate and your average heart rate (BPM).

As one might expect the human body isn't as precise as a metronome. The time between pulses can vary quite a bit so this sketch takes a running average of 4 readings to try to smooth out the variance.

Trouble? Try moving the sensor to a different finger. The rubber rand should be snug but not tight. The algorithm takes a few seconds to determine the peaks and troughs, so each time you move the sensor, wait a few seconds for the readings to make sense.