LED Cloud-Connected Cloud

Contributors: Sarah Al-Mutlaq
Favorited Favorite 31

Electronics Assembly Part 2

This section will cover adding a SparkFun thing to your project so that it can connect to the Internet.

You can keep all the soldering done in part 1, but just add a SparkFun Thing board to allow for use with your phone as well as to pull weather data.

Connect the components as follows:

Fritzing diagram of Pro Mini, SparkFun's ESP8266 Thing Dev Board and WS2812 LED Strip layout

Click the image for a closer look.

Component Breadboard
Resistor a22 (Pro Mini Pin 6) Bottom - (LED Strip DIN)
Capacitor a27 (Pro Mini GND Pin) Bottom + (LED VCC)
Jumper Wire Top - (GND) i29 (Pro Mini GND Pin)
Jumper Wire Top + (Board VCC) i27 (Pro Mini VCC Pin)
Jumper Wire b25 (Pro Mini Pin 3) f15 (button)
Jumper Wire f13 (button) Top - (GND)
Jumper Wire a20 (Pro Mini Pin 8) j7 (SparkFun Thing Pin TX)
Jumper Wire j10 (SparkFun Thing GND Pin) Top - (GND)
Jumper Wire a2 (SparkFun Thing VIN Pin) Top + (Board VCC)
Wire b27 (Pro Mini GND Pin) Ground of barrel jack
Wire Bottom + (LED VCC) VCC of barrel jack
Wire c27 (Pro Mini/LED power GND Pin) Yellow wire on LED strip (LED GND)
Wire Bottom - (To Pro Mini Pin 6) Green wire on LED strip (DIN)
Wire Bottom + (LED power VCC) Red wire on LED strip (LED VCC)

* Pins not listed are not used.

Again, same notes as part 1: adding a capacitor and resistor, and powering the Pro Mini and Thing from the wall (read part 1 for all the details).

One additional note, for ease of programming both the Pro Mini and the SparkFun Thing board, you may want to solder in female headers where the Thing board will sit and male headers to the Thing board, so that you can easily take it out to program both.

Cloud project with female headers for the SparkFun Thing board to go into

SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev Board

Finished layout of connected cloud cloud hardware project