ESP32 Relay Web Server

Contributors: Elias The Sparkiest
Favorited Favorite 11

Arduino Software

Library Installation

There's a number of libraries and tools to download and install for this project. If you haven't installed a library before, then check out this helpful tutorial here. All but the ArduinoJSON library must be installed manually, that is, dropping the folder into your Arduino's libraries folder under documents assuming you're using Windows. All of the links are also at the the project's Github repo here and linked in the source code (home.ino) Arduino sketch. I've also included a links to all information covered in this tutorial, including the libraries below, in Resources and Going Further.

  1. Async TCP Library for ESP32 (Github Link) - Dependency for ESPAsync below
  2. ESPAsync Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32 (Github Link) - Asyncronous Web Request Library
  3. SPIFFS (Github Link) - Allows the user to use ESP32's Memory for file storage.
  4. ESP32 File Uploader Tool (Github Link) - Tool for uploading files onto and ESP32
  5. Arduino JSON Library (Website) - For serializing and de-serializing information.

Take special care when installing the fourth item ESP32 File Uploader Tool. This tool is not a library installed in the normal location because it's a tool specific to ESP32's hardware. For this reason it's installed within the Tools directory of the ESP32 Hardware files. Follows the instructions outlined in the link above carefully.