Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit
This Tutorial is Retired!
While the hardware assambly instructions for the original (beta) version of the Jetbot are still valid; the software instructions are not. Please refer to our latest tutorial, linked below:
View the updated tutorial: Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've successfully got your JetBot AI up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project!
For more information, check out the resources below:
- Getting Started With Jetson Nano Developer Kit
- Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit
- SparkFun Hookup Guide for Serial Controlled Motor Driver
- SparkFun Hookup Guide for Micro OLED (Qwiic)
- SparkFun Hookup Guide for Qwiic pHAT
- Jetbot ROS GitHub Repository
- Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass
- NVIDIA Jetson Forums
- NVIDIA JetBot GitHub Issues
- NVIDIA JetBot GitHub
- NVIDIA JetBot GitHub Wiki
- NVIDIA JetBot software setup
Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related tutorials:
Assembly Guide for RedBot with Shadow Chassis
Assembly Guide for the RedBot Kit. This tutorial includes extra parts to follow to go along with the RedBot Inventor's Kit tutorial.
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Get started with the SparkFun Wireless Motor Driver Shield!
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This tutorial shows you how to hook up and use the SparkFun 5V/1A LiPo Charger/Booster circuit.
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