Using the Serial 7-Segment Display
Resources and Going Further
Now that you're comfortable using one of the Serial 7-Segment Displays, it's time to incorporate it into your own project!
For even more information on the 7-segment displays, please check out the Serial 7-Segment's github repository. There you'll find:
- Datasheet - A Wiki containing all of the information you should need to use the display.
- Arduino Example Code galore - We went a little crazy with the test code. You'll find something useful here.
- Firmware - If you're interested in modifying the behavior of the S7S, definitely check out the firmware (written in Arduino).
- In addition to the firmware, you'll also need to add the SevSeg library to your Arduino install.
- Hardware - The Eagle files are hosted here. Do you want to make your own version of the display? Go for it! This is an open-source project.
Additional Tutorials and Examples
For an example using the serial 7-segment display with Raspberry Pi, I2C, and Python, check out this tutorial:
For an example using the 7-segment serial display with Raspberry Pi, I2C, and MatLab support package, check out this tutorial:
Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related tutorials:
Using OpenSegment
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Going big? Maybe you would like to build a large 12" GPS Wall Clock installation:
For more information on the updated GPS Clock in the SparkFun Emporium, check out the Big_GPS_Clock GitHub repo.
Or check out the following blog for ideas.