TB6612FNG Hookup Guide

Contributors: M-Short
Favorited Favorite 11

Resources and Going Further

With that, you should have the basic knowledge to get started with your next motor-moving project. For more information on the TB6612FNG motor Driver, check out the links below.

For more great motor action, check out these other SparkFun tutorials.

Motors and Selecting the Right One

Learn all about different kinds of motors and how they operate.

Getting Started with the AutoDriver - v13

SparkFun's AutoDriver is a powerful tool for controlling stepper motors. Here's how to use it.

Ardumoto Kit Hookup Guide

Learn how to assemble and drive DC motors using the v2.0 Ardumoto Shield.

Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot

Control the RedBot wirelessly based on the movement of your hand using an accelerometer, Arduino, and XBees!

Or check out some of these blog posts for ideas: