TB6612FNG Hookup Guide

Contributors: M-Short
Favorited Favorite 11

Library and Example Code

Final step is uploading the code. First we must download and install the library. If you are unfamiliar with installing an Arduino library, check out our tutorial.

Download the library using the link below, or grab the latest version from our GitHub repository.

Once the library is installed, you can find the example code under File->Examples->TB6612, and upload the code to your Arduino. We'll get into the code in a minute. In the mean time, you can see it goes through a few basic commands to get you familiar with the library. Keep in mind, in the example code, each command has another command immediately after it that does the opposite and should bring it back to home should your robot should run too far away (I was able to run mine on a notebook without it falling off).

Library Functions

Here we have a basic library. There are two main parts. First, you can send commands like forward, and it will propel your bot forward. This means the right wheel is going clockwise and the left wheel is going counterclockwise. Which way is clockwise and which is counterclockwise depends on which wire of your motor is connected to which of the inputs. This means the forward function might not actually propel the robot forward the first time. You can swap the motor wires if you want, but that is often not possible. The easier solution is to fix this in the software. Near the top of the example code, you will see two constants labeled offset. You can change this from 1 to -1 to swap the configuration of that motor.

// these constants are used to allow you to make your motor configuration 
// line up with function names like forward.  Value can be 1 or -1
const int offsetA = 1;
const int offsetB = 1;

The second part of the library is individual motor control. If you are not driving a robot, controls such as forward are not useful, and you probably don't want the two motors tied together like that. The library will let you make as many instances of motors as you want (or have memory for). This means if you have three TB6612FNGs, you can control six motors individually.

// Pins for all inputs, keep in mind the PWM defines must be on PWM pins
#define AIN1 2
#define BIN1 7
#define AIN2 4
#define BIN2 8
#define PWMA 5
#define PWMB 6
#define STBY 9

Looking at the example code you will see we start with a lot of defines. This is basically a spot to let you tell the code to which pins you hooked things up. As mentioned earlier you can also play with the constants to switch directions of the motors. Afterwards we initialize the motors, by sending those constants to the function Motor(). This initialization also takes care of all the pinModes. This actually leaves us with nothing to do in the setup function. We could give it a few commands we want to only do once, but we chose to put all the commands in the loop function.

void loop()
   //Use of the drive function which takes as arguements the speed
   //and optional duration.  A negative speed will cause it to go
   //backwards.  Speed can be from -255 to 255.  Also use of the 
   //brake function which takes no arguements.

   //Use of the drive function which takes as arguements the speed
   //and optional duration.  A negative speed will cause it to go
   //backwards.  Speed can be from -255 to 255.  Also use of the 
   //brake function which takes no arguements.

   //Use of the forward function, which takes as arguements two motors
   //and optionally a speed.  If a negative number is used for speed
   //it will go backwards
   forward(motor1, motor2, 150);

   //Use of the back function, which takes as arguments two motors 
   //and optionally a speed.  Either a positive number or a negative
   //number for speed will cause it to go backwards
   back(motor1, motor2, -150);

   //Use of the brake function which takes as arguments two motors.
   //Note that functions do not stop motors on their own.
   brake(motor1, motor2);

   //Use of the left and right functions which take as arguements two
   //motors and a speed.  This function turns both motors to move in 
   //the appropriate direction.  For turning a single motor use drive.
   left(motor1, motor2, 100);
   right(motor1, motor2, 100);

   //Use of brake again.
   brake(motor1, motor2);


Finally we hit our good friend loop(). Here is where we are testing out the different functions. As you can see some functions take our two motors as arguments like forward(motor1, motor2) and back(motor1, motor2), while other functions are part of the Motor class and are called using commands like motor1.drive(speed).

// Constructor. Mainly sets up pins.
Motor(int In1pin, int In2pin, int PWMpin, int offset, int STBYpin);      

// Drive in direction given by sign, at speed given by magnitude of the 
void drive(int speed);  

// drive(), but with a delay(duration)
void drive(int speed, int duration);  

//currently not implemented
//void stop();           // Stop motors, but allow them to coast to a halt.
//void coast();          // Stop motors, but allow them to coast to a halt.

//Stops motor by setting both input pins high
void brake(); 

//set the chip to standby mode.  The drive function takes it out of standby 
//(forward, back, left, and right all call drive)
void standby(); 

//Takes 2 motors and goes forward, if it does not go forward adjust offset 
//values until it does.  These will also take a negative number and go backwards
//There is also an optional speed input, if speed is not used, the function will
//use the DEFAULTSPEED constant.
void forward(Motor motor1, Motor motor2, int speed);
void forward(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);

//Similar to forward, will take 2 motors and go backwards.  This will take either
//a positive or negative number and will go backwards either way.  Once again the
//speed input is optional and will use DEFAULTSPEED if it is not defined.
void back(Motor motor1, Motor motor2, int speed);
void back(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);

//Left and right take 2 motors, and it is important the order they are sent.
//The left motor should be on the left side of the bot.  These functions
//also take a speed value
void left(Motor left, Motor right, int speed);
void right(Motor left, Motor right, int speed);

//This function takes 2 motors and and brakes them
void brake(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);