The SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield is the perfect way to send and receive DMX data whether it be coming in over the onboard XLR-3 jack or ArtNet, or outputting over the XLR-3 Jack/ArtNet, this shield has you covered. It's the perfect way to get started developing your own custom DMX fixtures, or even adding ArtNet capabilities to a current fixture. It also holds up to the DMX standard which requires electrical isolation between the controller and communication side to avoid ground loops.
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The SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield is the perfect way to send and receive DMX data whether it's coming in or out over the o…
In this hookup guide we'll go over the several different ways that the DMX to LED Shield can be configured, go through simple DMX output and input, look at how to use ArtNet input to control arrays of LEDs and even servos using the available poke-home connectors and finally check out how to turn ArtNet input into DMX output to enable ArtNet control on an existing DMX fixture.
Required Materials
Note: You might not need all of these items to get started on your specific DMX application, so head down to the
Examples section to determine, which example best suits your needs and the products that are needed for the example.
To do all the examples, users will need:
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The 8x8 SparkFun LuMini LED Matrix, packed with 64 individually addressable LEDS, each capable of producing 16 million colors…
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This is an easy-to-assemble pan/tilt bracket kit that utilizes servos to move on two axes fit for camera and helping-hand app…
The SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus is the next step to get started with Espressif IoT ideations while still enjoying all the ameni…
This is a 10 foot long DMX cable capable of better communications for lighting and special effects through standard or digita…
Headers and Soldering Tools
The DMX to LED shield is designed with a Feather footprint. Make sure to choose the appropriate header combo to suit your microcontroller and project.
In stock
Single row of 40-holes, female header. Can be cut to size with a pair of wire-cutters. Standard .1" spacing. We use them exte…
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A row of headers - break to fit. 40 pins that can be cut to any size. Used with custom PCBs or general custom headers.
Only 6 left!
These stackable headers are made to work with the [SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14689) to con…
This assortment of tools is great for those of you who need a solid set of tools to start your workbench on the right foot!
Suggested Reading
We'd recommend checking out the following tutorials and hookup guides before getting started if you're not familiar with the topics. At the very least check out the DMX related tutorials if you haven't used the protocol before.
Introduction to DMX
DMX512 is an industry standard in lighting and stage design, whether it be controlling lights, motors, or lasers, DMX512 has many uses. In this tutorial we’ll cover DMX512 (Digital Multiplex with 512 pieces of information).