Comments: SIK Experiment Guide for Arduino - V3.2
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Simon Says experiment worked great, no issues. I used a regular size breadboard, moved the resistors out of the way of the buttons, placed a few surface wires to get all the jumper wires away from the buttons, and put the piezo on a separate small breadboard, all for easier use.
Be sure to look in the code, for the Yellow Button disco Easter egg! (As well as a 2-player game that is hidden in there as well.)
I think I'll try to solder up a permanent version of this, as a project to learn how to use standalone ATMega in a project.
Where can I buy wheels for attaching to this motor, please?
-------------------- Tech Support Tips/Troubleshooting/Common Issues --------------------
Arduino v1.6.6+ Software Issues
Arduino IDE v1.6.6-v1.6.9 was just released by recently so there are a lot of bugs. A last resort is to use the Arduino v1.6.5 IDE [ ]. It might not be ideal but this was the last known stable/working IDE that I know of before all the changes.
Mac and Latest version of the Arduino IDE
I have seen two cases where customers have had problems uploading code to the RedBoard using Arduino v1.6.8 and v.1.6.9 . By switching to Arduino v.1.6.5, they were able to upload to the board without any issues.
You might need to re-install the latest FTDI drivers on a Mac every time you re-install the Arduino IDE. In one case [where a customer had a Mac with Yosemite v10.10.5 ], you need to install the latest FTDI drivers before you are able to get the “SIK_Guide_Code_32" example code to work with the Arduino IDE.
good project! I was wandering if it was important to use 330 ohm resistors and what is the difference if i used 220 ohm resistors.
Sorry for the delay in reply but we do not monitor the comments section that much. I just happened to nice your comment just now. A 330Ohm resistor is just a quick way to connect a current limiting resistor without a doing any calculations. Try looking at this section of this tutorial . The LED will be brighter if you use a 220Ohm resistor. Depending on the specs of the LED (standard 5mm LED, super bright LED, high power LED), your circuit (series/parallel connection), and power supply, you would need to calculate the current limiting resistor. There are several online calculators that you can use. I personally use this calculator .