SIK Experiment Guide for Arduino - V3.2
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Experiment 16: Simon Says
Now that we've learned all the basics behind the components in the SIK experiments, let's put them all together to make some fun. This circuit will show you how to create your own Simon Says game. Using some LEDs, some buttons, a buzzer, and some resistors, you can create this and other exciting games with the RedBoard or Arduino Uno R3.
Parts Needed
You will need the following parts:
- 1x Breadboard
- 1x RedBoard or Arduino Uno
- 4x LEDs
- 1x Piezo Buzzer
- 4x 330Ω Resistors
- 4x Push Buttons
- 17x Jumper Wires
Didn't get the SIK?
If you are following through this experiment and didn't get the SIK, we suggest using these parts:
Resistor 330 Ohm 1/6 Watt PTH - 20 pack
COM-11507You will also need either a RedBoard or Arduino Uno R3.
Hardware Hookup
Ready to start hooking everything up? Check out the Fritzing diagram below, to see how everything is connected.
Polarized Components | Pay special attention to the component’s markings indicating how to place it on the breadboard. Polarized components can only be connected to a circuit in one direction. |
Fritzing Diagram for RedBoard
Fritzing Diagram for Arduino
Open the Sketch
Open Up the Arduino IDE software on your computer. Coding in the Arduino language will control your circuit. Open the code for Circuit 16 by accessing the “SIK Guide Code” you downloaded and placed into your “Examples” folder earlier.
To open the code go to: File > examples > SIK Guide Code > Circuit_16
You can also copy and paste the following code into the Arduino IDE. Hit upload, and see what happens!
/* SparkFun Inventor's Kit Example sketch 16 Spark Fun Electronics Oct. 7, 2014 Simon Says is a memory game. Start the game by pressing one of the four buttons. When a button lights up, press the button, repeating the sequence. The sequence will get longer and longer. The game is won after 13 rounds. Generates random sequence, plays music, and displays button lights. Simon tones from Wikipedia - A (red, upper left) - 440Hz - 2.272ms - 1.136ms pulse - a (green, upper right, an octave higher than A) - 880Hz - 1.136ms, 0.568ms pulse - D (blue, lower left, a perfect fourth higher than the upper left) 587.33Hz - 1.702ms - 0.851ms pulse - G (yellow, lower right, a perfect fourth higher than the lower left) - 784Hz - 1.276ms - 0.638ms pulse Simon Says game originally written in C for the PIC16F88. Ported for the ATmega168, then ATmega328, then Arduino 1.0. Fixes and cleanup by Joshua Neal <joshua[at]> This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics, with lots of help from the Arduino community. This code is completely free for any use. Visit to learn about the Arduino. */ /************************************************* * Public Constants *************************************************/ // Button pin definitions // Buzzer pin definitions // Define game parameters // Game state variables byte gameMode = MODE_MEMORY; //By default, let's play the memory game byte gameBoard[32]; //Contains the combination of buttons as we advance byte gameRound = 0; //Counts the number of succesful rounds the player has made it through void setup() { //Setup hardware inputs/outputs. These pins are defined in the hardware_versions header file //Enable pull ups on inputs pinMode(BUTTON_RED, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BUTTON_GREEN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BUTTON_BLUE, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BUTTON_YELLOW, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_YELLOW, OUTPUT); pinMode(BUZZER1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BUZZER2, OUTPUT); //Mode checking gameMode = MODE_MEMORY; // By default, we're going to play the memory game // Check to see if the lower right button is pressed if (checkButton() == CHOICE_YELLOW) play_beegees(); // Check to see if upper right button is pressed if (checkButton() == CHOICE_GREEN) { gameMode = MODE_BATTLE; //Put game into battle mode //Turn on the upper right (green) LED setLEDs(CHOICE_GREEN); toner(CHOICE_GREEN, 150); setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_BLUE | CHOICE_YELLOW); // Turn on the other LEDs until you release button while(checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) ; // Wait for user to stop pressing button //Now do nothing. Battle mode will be serviced in the main routine } play_winner(); // After setup is complete, say hello to the world } void loop() { attractMode(); // Blink lights while waiting for user to press a button // Indicate the start of game play setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_GREEN | CHOICE_BLUE | CHOICE_YELLOW); // Turn all LEDs on delay(1000); setLEDs(CHOICE_OFF); // Turn off LEDs delay(250); if (gameMode == MODE_MEMORY) { // Play memory game and handle result if (play_memory() == true) play_winner(); // Player won, play winner tones else play_loser(); // Player lost, play loser tones } if (gameMode == MODE_BATTLE) { play_battle(); // Play game until someone loses play_loser(); // Player lost, play loser tones } } //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //The following functions are related to game play only // Play the regular memory game // Returns 0 if player loses, or 1 if player wins boolean play_memory(void) { randomSeed(millis()); // Seed the random generator with random amount of millis() gameRound = 0; // Reset the game to the beginning while (gameRound < ROUNDS_TO_WIN) { add_to_moves(); // Add a button to the current moves, then play them back playMoves(); // Play back the current game board // Then require the player to repeat the sequence. for (byte currentMove = 0 ; currentMove < gameRound ; currentMove++) { byte choice = wait_for_button(); // See what button the user presses if (choice == 0) return false; // If wait timed out, player loses if (choice != gameBoard[currentMove]) return false; // If the choice is incorect, player loses } delay(1000); // Player was correct, delay before playing moves } return true; // Player made it through all the rounds to win! } // Play the special 2 player battle mode // A player begins by pressing a button then handing it to the other player // That player repeats the button and adds one, then passes back. // This function returns when someone loses boolean play_battle(void) { gameRound = 0; // Reset the game frame back to one frame while (1) // Loop until someone fails { byte newButton = wait_for_button(); // Wait for user to input next move gameBoard[gameRound++] = newButton; // Add this new button to the game array // Then require the player to repeat the sequence. for (byte currentMove = 0 ; currentMove < gameRound ; currentMove++) { byte choice = wait_for_button(); if (choice == 0) return false; // If wait timed out, player loses. if (choice != gameBoard[currentMove]) return false; // If the choice is incorect, player loses. } delay(100); // Give the user an extra 100ms to hand the game to the other player } return true; // We should never get here } // Plays the current contents of the game moves void playMoves(void) { for (byte currentMove = 0 ; currentMove < gameRound ; currentMove++) { toner(gameBoard[currentMove], 150); // Wait some amount of time between button playback // Shorten this to make game harder delay(150); // 150 works well. 75 gets fast. } } // Adds a new random button to the game sequence, by sampling the timer void add_to_moves(void) { byte newButton = random(0, 4); //min (included), max (exluded) // We have to convert this number, 0 to 3, to CHOICEs if(newButton == 0) newButton = CHOICE_RED; else if(newButton == 1) newButton = CHOICE_GREEN; else if(newButton == 2) newButton = CHOICE_BLUE; else if(newButton == 3) newButton = CHOICE_YELLOW; gameBoard[gameRound++] = newButton; // Add this new button to the game array } //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //The following functions control the hardware // Lights a given LEDs // Pass in a byte that is made up from CHOICE_RED, CHOICE_YELLOW, etc void setLEDs(byte leds) { if ((leds & CHOICE_RED) != 0) digitalWrite(LED_RED, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW); if ((leds & CHOICE_GREEN) != 0) digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW); if ((leds & CHOICE_BLUE) != 0) digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW); if ((leds & CHOICE_YELLOW) != 0) digitalWrite(LED_YELLOW, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_YELLOW, LOW); } // Wait for a button to be pressed. // Returns one of LED colors (LED_RED, etc.) if successful, 0 if timed out byte wait_for_button(void) { long startTime = millis(); // Remember the time we started the this loop while ( (millis() - startTime) < ENTRY_TIME_LIMIT) // Loop until too much time has passed { byte button = checkButton(); if (button != CHOICE_NONE) { toner(button, 150); // Play the button the user just pressed while(checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) ; // Now let's wait for user to release button delay(10); // This helps with debouncing and accidental double taps return button; } } return CHOICE_NONE; // If we get here, we've timed out! } // Returns a '1' bit in the position corresponding to CHOICE_RED, CHOICE_GREEN, etc. byte checkButton(void) { if (digitalRead(BUTTON_RED) == 0) return(CHOICE_RED); else if (digitalRead(BUTTON_GREEN) == 0) return(CHOICE_GREEN); else if (digitalRead(BUTTON_BLUE) == 0) return(CHOICE_BLUE); else if (digitalRead(BUTTON_YELLOW) == 0) return(CHOICE_YELLOW); return(CHOICE_NONE); // If no button is pressed, return none } // Light an LED and play tone // Red, upper left: 440Hz - 2.272ms - 1.136ms pulse // Green, upper right: 880Hz - 1.136ms - 0.568ms pulse // Blue, lower left: 587.33Hz - 1.702ms - 0.851ms pulse // Yellow, lower right: 784Hz - 1.276ms - 0.638ms pulse void toner(byte which, int buzz_length_ms) { setLEDs(which); //Turn on a given LED //Play the sound associated with the given LED switch(which) { case CHOICE_RED: buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 1136); break; case CHOICE_GREEN: buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 568); break; case CHOICE_BLUE: buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 851); break; case CHOICE_YELLOW: buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 638); break; } setLEDs(CHOICE_OFF); // Turn off all LEDs } // Toggle buzzer every buzz_delay_us, for a duration of buzz_length_ms. void buzz_sound(int buzz_length_ms, int buzz_delay_us) { // Convert total play time from milliseconds to microseconds long buzz_length_us = buzz_length_ms * (long)1000; // Loop until the remaining play time is less than a single buzz_delay_us while (buzz_length_us > (buzz_delay_us * 2)) { buzz_length_us -= buzz_delay_us * 2; //Decrease the remaining play time // Toggle the buzzer at various speeds digitalWrite(BUZZER1, LOW); digitalWrite(BUZZER2, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(buzz_delay_us); digitalWrite(BUZZER1, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUZZER2, LOW); delayMicroseconds(buzz_delay_us); } } // Play the winner sound and lights void play_winner(void) { setLEDs(CHOICE_GREEN | CHOICE_BLUE); winner_sound(); setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_YELLOW); winner_sound(); setLEDs(CHOICE_GREEN | CHOICE_BLUE); winner_sound(); setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_YELLOW); winner_sound(); } // Play the winner sound // This is just a unique (annoying) sound we came up with, there is no magic to it void winner_sound(void) { // Toggle the buzzer at various speeds for (byte x = 250 ; x > 70 ; x--) { for (byte y = 0 ; y < 3 ; y++) { digitalWrite(BUZZER2, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUZZER1, LOW); delayMicroseconds(x); digitalWrite(BUZZER2, LOW); digitalWrite(BUZZER1, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(x); } } } // Play the loser sound/lights void play_loser(void) { setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_GREEN); buzz_sound(255, 1500); setLEDs(CHOICE_BLUE | CHOICE_YELLOW); buzz_sound(255, 1500); setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_GREEN); buzz_sound(255, 1500); setLEDs(CHOICE_BLUE | CHOICE_YELLOW); buzz_sound(255, 1500); } // Show an "attract mode" display while waiting for user to press button. void attractMode(void) { while(1) { setLEDs(CHOICE_RED); delay(100); if (checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) return; setLEDs(CHOICE_BLUE); delay(100); if (checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) return; setLEDs(CHOICE_GREEN); delay(100); if (checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) return; setLEDs(CHOICE_YELLOW); delay(100); if (checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) return; } } //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= // The following functions are related to Beegees Easter Egg only // Notes in the melody. Each note is about an 1/8th note, "0"s are rests. int melody[] = { NOTE_G4, NOTE_A4, 0, NOTE_C5, 0, 0, NOTE_G4, 0, 0, 0, NOTE_E4, 0, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_G4, 0, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, 0, NOTE_G4, 0, 0, NOTE_D4, 0, NOTE_E4, 0, NOTE_G4, 0, NOTE_A4, 0, NOTE_C5, 0}; int noteDuration = 115; // This essentially sets the tempo, 115 is just about right for a disco groove :) int LEDnumber = 0; // Keeps track of which LED we are on during the beegees loop // Do nothing but play bad beegees music // This function is activated when user holds bottom right button during power up void play_beegees() { //Turn on the bottom right (yellow) LED setLEDs(CHOICE_YELLOW); toner(CHOICE_YELLOW, 150); setLEDs(CHOICE_RED | CHOICE_GREEN | CHOICE_BLUE); // Turn on the other LEDs until you release button while(checkButton() != CHOICE_NONE) ; // Wait for user to stop pressing button setLEDs(CHOICE_NONE); // Turn off LEDs delay(1000); // Wait a second before playing song digitalWrite(BUZZER1, LOW); // setup the "BUZZER1" side of the buzzer to stay low, while we play the tone on the other pin. while(checkButton() == CHOICE_NONE) //Play song until you press a button { // iterate over the notes of the melody: for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 32; thisNote++) { changeLED(); tone(BUZZER2, melody[thisNote],noteDuration); // to distinguish the notes, set a minimum time between them. // the note's duration + 30% seems to work well: int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30; delay(pauseBetweenNotes); // stop the tone playing: noTone(BUZZER2); } } } // Each time this function is called the board moves to the next LED void changeLED(void) { setLEDs(1 << LEDnumber); // Change the LED LEDnumber++; // Goto the next LED if(LEDnumber > 3) LEDnumber = 0; // Wrap the counter if needed }
Code To Note
The #define
statement is used to create constants in your code. Constants are variables that will likely only have one value during the lifespan of your code. Thus, you can assign constants a value, and then use them throughout your code wherever. Then, if you need to change that value, you can change that one line instead of going through all the code to find every instance of that variable.
Bytes are another variable type. In the world of computing, a byte is a chunk of space that contains 8 bits, and a bit is a single binary value. Binary is another way of counting and uses only 1's and 0's. So a byte can hold all 1's: 11111111, all 0's: 00000000, or a combination of the two: 10010110.
What You Should See
Once the code is uploaded, the buzzer will beep a few times, and all four LEDs should begin blinking. The game begins once you press any of the four buttons. Once the game has been started, a random LED will blink. Press the button associated with that color LED to replicate the pattern. With a successful guess, the pattern will repeat, this time adding another random LED. The player is to follow the pattern for as long as possible, with each successful guess resulting in an additional layer of complexity added to the original pattern.
Real World Application
Toys and Games, such as the original Simon from Milton Bradley, have relied on electronics to provide fun and entertainment to children across the world.
Only Half the Circuit Works
If only half of you circuit is working, make sure you added the additional wire from one ground rail to the other. Remember that breadboards have two power rails on each side and that these can be connected, or bussed, together to provide the power to both sides of the same circuit.
No Sound
Once the piezo buzzer is in the breadboard, it's hard to see the legs and to which row they are connected. If you aren't hearing any sound, make sure your wires are on the same row as the piezo buzzer legs.
Game is Not Working
If everything starts up ok, but you're having trouble when it comes time to play the game, you may have a button or two misplaced. Pay close attention to which pin is connected to each button as it matters which button is pressed when a particular color lights up.