LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus Activity Guide
Resources and Going Further
For more information about the ProtoSnap Plus, check out the resources below:
- Schematic (PDF)
- Eagle Files (ZIP)
- LilyPad Portal Ecosystem
- SparkFun Arduino Board Add-Ons GitHub Repository
- LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus GitHub Repository
- GitHub Code Repository
This activity guide covered all the pre-wired boards connected to the LilyPad USB Plus. If you want to try using the Expansion Ports to connect additional LilyPad or other wearable electronics boards to your ProtoSnap Plus, read the Using the Expansion Ports section of the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus Hookup Guide.
Here are some LilyPad boards that can be combined with the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus and project ideas:
LilyPad Pixel Board Hookup Guide
Add changing colors to your wearable projects using LilyPad Pixel Boards.
LilyPad Reed Switch Hookup Guide
A guide to using the LilyPad Reed Switch breakout in your projects.
LilyPad Safety Scarf
This scarf is embedded with a ribbon of LEDs that illuminate when it gets dark out, making yourself more visible to vehicle and other pedestrians.
Here are some resources to help you plan a project with the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus:
Insulation Techniques for e-Textiles
Learn a few different ways to protect your conductive thread and LilyPad components in your next wearables project.
Planning a Wearable Electronics Project
Tips and tricks for brainstorming and creating a wearables project.
Powering LilyPad LED Projects
Learn how to calculate how many LEDs your LilyPad project can power and how long it will last.
LilyPad Basics: E-Sewing
Learn how to use conductive thread with LilyPad components.