Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

Contributors: M-Short, El Duderino
Favorited Favorite 5

Resources and Going Further

At this point your Pi Zero 2 W should be acting similar to any other computer. From here, you can teach yourself the finer points of Linux, learn Python, program the GPIO pins, setup a Minecraft server, build a network storage system, game console, or media center, or just surf the web.

For more information about the Pi Zero 2 W or Raspberry Pi in general, check out these resources:

Looking to make the Raspberry Pi Zero W a dongle? Check out the Pi Zero USB Stem:

Need some inspiration? Check out these tutorials and projects.

Qwiic Distance Sensor (VL53L1X, VL53L4CD) Hookup Guide

The Qwiic Distance Sensor - VL53L1X is a time of flight sensor that is capable of several modes, as well as having a range of 4M. It's cousin VL53L4CD is also a time of flight sensor with similar characteristics but it has a range of about 1.3M. Let's hook it up and find out just how far away that thing over there is.

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