Digital Sandbox Experiment Guide

Contributors: jimblom, bri_huang
Favorited Favorite 8

Resources and Going Further

Congratulations on completing the Digital Sandbox Experiment Guide! If you feel comfortable enough with ArduBlock, and want to continue challenging yourself, check out our parallel Digital Sandbox Guide for Arduino!

Digital Sandbox Arduino Companion

July 31, 2014
Let's take the same examples from the ArduBlock-based Digital Sandbox guide, and implement them using Arduino code.

In that tutorial we re-create the same experiments from this guide using the actual Arduino programming language. Say goodbye to blocks and hello to semi-colons!


If you're looking for more resources devoted to the Digital Sandbox, Arduino, or ArduBlock, check out these links:

Going Further

Now that you've introduced yourself to the world of electronics, hardware, programming, and Arduino, check out some of these tutorials and products to continue your learning.

  • What is An Arduino? -- If you're ready to step into a more open-ended development platform, we encourage you to continue working with Arduinos. This tutorial will help get you started.
  • SparkFun Inventor's Kit -- If you're looking for more hardware to continue your learning journey, the SIK is the next logical step.

SIK product shot

This kit includes an Arduino, breadboard, and tons of wires, buttons, LEDs, and more components. It also includes a guide with a series of experiments that introduce you to the Arduino programming language (no more blocks!) and electronics.