Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier

Contributors: El Duderino
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Notecard CLI Helpful Commands

The Notecard CLI has a lot of helpful commands for debugging and troubleshooting all sorts of issues with the Notecard. Below is a list of just a few commands we find particularly helpful as starting points for troubleshooting but for a complete list as well as tutorials on how to use them, head over to Blues Wireless' Developers Page.

Simply connect the Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier to your computer via the USB-C connector on the Function Board and open the Notecard CLI either in a browser or on your computer to start troubleshooting your board directly:

  • '{"req": "card.version"}' - Request returns information on the Notecard version including the hardware version, device ID, name and firmware version.
  • '{"req": "card.wireless"}' - Returns cellular connection data such as RSRP/RSRQ, RSSI, modem and band type and much more. Very helpful for diagnosing cellular activity issues.
  • '{"req:" "hub.sync"}' - Manually sync the Notecard with Notehub. Pair this with the following request to view the synchronization status of the Notecard with Notehub.
  • '{"req": "hub.sync.status"} - Returns helpful information about the status of communication between the Notecard and Notehub.

Notecard Firmware Version and Updating

If you run into any issues with features on notehub.io such as Outboard DFU the first thing we recommend checking is your Notecard firmware version. Verify the firmware version on the Notecard supports the features you are attempting to use and if needed, update the firmware on Notehub. You can find a step-by-step tutorial for updating Notecard firmware here.

Outboard DFU Hardware Limitations

As mentioned previously, Outboard DFU with the Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier only works with specific MicroMod hardware:

This feature may work on other Processors in the future and we will update this guide when and if those Processors are added. Note, the previous versions of both MicroMod Main Boards do not support Outboard DFU with the Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier.

General Troubleshooting