Cellular Function Board - Blues Wireless Notecarrier

Contributors: El Duderino
Favorited Favorite 1

Arduino Example

In this section we'll use the MicroMod assembly built in the Hardware Assembly section to use the Notecard to send temperature, pressure, air quality and CO2 data recorded by the Environmental Function Board to notehub.io.

Arduino Code

The example configures the Notecard to receive data over I2C sent to the Processor from the Environmental Fucntion Board. The main loop retrieves data from all three sensors and every fifteen seconds creates a tells the Notecard send the data to notehub.io every fifteen seconds to be recorded as events in the Notehub Project created in the Software Setup section.

Copy the code below into a new sketch in Arduino. Select your board (the example assumes a MicroMod STM32 Processor Board is used) and port and click the Upload button:

 * @file
 * @brief This example collects sensor data and posts it to NoteHub.
 * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 * @author Alex Brudner, SparkFun Electronics
 * @date 2022-11-02
 * @note Based on Example01 from the MicroMod Environmental Function Board by 
 * Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan. This example code combines example codes from the 
 * SHTC3, STC31, and SGP40 libraries. Most of the steps to obtain the 
 * measurements are the same as the example code. Generic object names were 
 * renamed (e.g. mySensor => mySGP40 and mySTC3x).
 *    Example 1: Basic Relative Humidity and Temperature Readings  w/ SHTC3
 *       Written by Owen Lyke
 *    Example 2: PHT (SHTC3) Compensated CO2 Readings w/ STC31
 *       Written by Paul Clark and based on earlier code by Nathan Seidle
 *    Example 1: Basic VOC Index w/ SGP40
 *       Written by Paul Clark
 * Open a Serial Monitor at 115200 baud to view the readings too!
 * Note: You may need to wait about ~5 minutes after starting up the code 
 * before VOC index
 * has any values.
 * ========== HARDWARE CONNECTIONS ==========
 * MicroMod STM32 Processor Board => MicroMod Main Board => MicroMod 
 *  Environmental Function Board (with SHTC3, STC31, and SGP40)
 * MicroMod STM32 Processor Board => MicroMod Main Board => MicroMod 
 *  Function Board Blues Wireless Notecarrier
 * Feel like supporting open source hardware?
 * Buy a board from SparkFun!
 *      MicroMod Function Board Blues Wireless Notecarrier  
 *        | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/20409
 *      MicroMod STM32 Processor                            
 *        | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16401
 *      MicroMod Main Board - Double                        
 *        | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18575
 *      MicroMod Environmental Function Board               
 *        | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18632
 * You can also get the sensors individually.
 *      Qwiic SHTC3 | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16467
 *      Qwiic STC31 | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18385
 *      Qwiic SGP40 | https://www.sparkfun.com/products/17729

/* Notecard Includes */
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Notecard.h>

/* Sensor Includes */
#include <SparkFun_SHTC3.h>
#include <SparkFun_STC3x_Arduino_Library.h>
#include <SparkFun_SGP40_Arduino_Library.h>

#define PRODUCT_UID "com.your-company.your-name:your_product"

/* Instantiate Notecard class */
Notecard notecard;
int ncUpdateCtr = 0;

/* Instantiate sensor interface classes */
STC3x mySTC3x;
SGP40 mySGP40;

float rh = 0.0;           // Relative Humidity from the SHTC3
float temperature = 0.0;  // Temperature from the SHTC3
float co2 = 0.0;          // %CO2 from STC3
int32_t voc = 0;          // VOC index from SGP40

void setup() {
  /* Begin Serial communications */
  Serial.println(F("Begin - MicroMod Notecarrier Example 01: Sensor Data."));

  /* Begin I2C communications */

  /* Initialize Notecard */

  /* Configure Notecard */
  J *req = notecard.newRequest("hub.set");
  JAddStringToObject(req, "product", PRODUCT_UID);
  JAddStringToObject(req, "mode", "continuous");

  /* Find and initialize sensors */
  if (mySHTC3.begin() != SHTC3_Status_Nominal)
    Serial.println(F("SHTC3 not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing..."));
    while (1)
      ; // Do nothing more

  if (!mySTC3x.begin())
    Serial.println(F("STC3x not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing..."));
    while (1)
      ; // Do nothing more

  if (!mySGP40.begin())
    Serial.println(F("SGP40 not detected. Check connections. Freezing..."));
    while (1)
      ; // Do nothing more

   * We need to tell the STC3x what binary gas and full range we are using
   * Possible values are:
   * STC3X_BINARY_GAS_CO2_N2_100   : Set binary gas to CO2 in N2.  
   *    Range: 0 to 100 vol%
   * STC3X_BINARY_GAS_CO2_AIR_100  : Set binary gas to CO2 in Air. 
   *    Range: 0 to 100 vol%
   * STC3X_BINARY_GAS_CO2_N2_25    : Set binary gas to CO2 in N2.  
   *    Range: 0 to 25 vol%
   * STC3X_BINARY_GAS_CO2_AIR_25   : Set binary gas to CO2 in Air. 
   *    Range: 0 to 25 vol% 
  if (!mySTC3x.setBinaryGas(STC3X_BINARY_GAS_CO2_AIR_25))
    Serial.println(F("ST3x - Could not set the binary gas! Freezing..."));
    while (1)
      ; // Do nothing more

   * Get an initial measurement so we can compensate for temperature and 
   * relative humidity using the readings from the SHTC3 
  if (mySHTC3.update() != SHTC3_Status_Nominal) // Request a measurement
    Serial.println(F("Could not read the RH and T from the SHTC3! \\
    while (1)
      ; // Do nothing more

   * Configure STC31 temperature compensation based on previous measurement.
   * In case the ‘Set temperature command’ has been used prior to the above 
   * measurement command, this will set a new temperature compensation point.
  temperature = mySHTC3.toDegC(); 
  Serial.print(F("Setting STC3x temperature to "));
  Serial.print(temperature, 2);
  Serial.print(F("C was "));
  if (!mySTC3x.setTemperature(temperature))
    Serial.print(F("not "));

   * Configure STC31 humidity compensation based on previous measurement.
   * In case the ‘Set humidity command’ has been used prior to the above 
   * measurement command, this will set a new humidity compensation point.
  rh = mySHTC3.toPercent();
  Serial.print(F("Setting STC3x RH to "));
  Serial.print(rh, 2);
  Serial.print(F("% was "));
  if (!mySTC3x.setRelativeHumidity(rh))
    Serial.print(F("not "));

   * If we have a pressure sensor available, we can compensate for ambient 
   * pressure too.
   * As an example, let's set the pressure to 840 mbar (== SF Headquarters) 
  uint16_t pressure = 840;
  Serial.print(F("Setting STC3x pressure to "));
  Serial.print(F("mbar was "));
  if (mySTC3x.setPressure(pressure) == false)
    Serial.print(F("not "));

  Serial.println(F("Note: Relative humidity and temperature compensation for the STC31 will be updated frequently in the main loop() function."));


void loop() {

  //==========READ SHTC3============
  /* minimum update rate = ~100Hz */

  SHTC3_Status_TypeDef result = mySHTC3.update();           // Call "update()" to command a measurement, wait for measurement to complete, and update the RH and T members of the object

  rh = mySHTC3.toPercent();                                 // "toPercent" returns the percent humidity as a floating point number
  Serial.print(F("RelH: "));

  temperature = mySHTC3.toDegC();
  Serial.print(F("T: "));
  Serial.print(F(" deg C"));

  if (mySHTC3.lastStatus == SHTC3_Status_Nominal)           // You can also assess the status of the last command by checking the ".lastStatus" member of the object
    Serial.println("");                                         //Sample data good, no need to output a message
  else {
    Serial.print(F(",     Update failed, error: "));        //notify user if there is an error

  //==========READ STC31==========
  /* minimum update rate = 1Hz */

  if (!mySTC3x.setRelativeHumidity(rh))
    Serial.print(F("Unable to set STC31 Relative Humidity with SHTC3."));

  if (!mySTC3x.setTemperature(temperature))
    Serial.println(F("Unable to set STC31 Temperature with SHTC3."));

  Serial.print(F("CO2(%): "));

  if (mySTC3x.measureGasConcentration())                   // measureGasConcentration will return true when fresh data is available
    co2 = mySTC3x.getCO2();
    Serial.println(co2, 2);
    co2 = mySTC3x.getCO2();
    Serial.print(co2, 2);
    Serial.println(F(",     (old STC3 sample reading, STC31 was not able to get fresh data yet)"));  //output this note to indicate  when we are not able to obtain a new measurement

  //==========READ SGP40==========
  /* minimum update rate = 1Hz */
  Serial.print(F("VOC: "));
  voc = mySGP40.getVOCindex(rh, temperature);

  /* Update the notecard about every 15s.*/
  if(++ncUpdateCtr >= 14)
    ncUpdateCtr = 0;
    //=========UPLOAD DATA==========
    J *req = notecard.newRequest("note.add");
    if (req != NULL) {
      JAddStringToObject(req, "file", "sensors.qo");
      JAddBoolToObject(req, "sync", true);

      J *body = JCreateObject();
      if (body != NULL) {
        JAddNumberToObject(body, "temperature", temperature);
        JAddNumberToObject(body, "humidity", rh);
        JAddNumberToObject(body, "CO2%", co2);
        JAddNumberToObject(body, "VOC", voc);
        JAddItemToObject(req, "body", body);


  //=========SPACE & DELAY==========
  Serial.println("");// Uncomment this line to add some space between readings for the Serial Monitor
  delay(1000); //Wait 1 second - the Sensirion VOC and CO2 algorithms expects a sample rate of 1Hz


void errorDecoder(SHTC3_Status_TypeDef message)                             // The errorDecoder function prints "SHTC3_Status_TypeDef" results in a human-friendly way
  switch (message)
    case SHTC3_Status_Nominal : Serial.print("Nominal"); break;
    case SHTC3_Status_Error : Serial.print("Error"); break;
    case SHTC3_Status_CRC_Fail : Serial.print("CRC Fail"); break;
    default : Serial.print("Unknown return code"); break;

Notehub Project

First we'll return to the Notehub project created in the Software Setup section. If you haven't already, open notehub.io and open your Project. Your Notecard should appear in the devices listed.

Now open the Events tab and you should see a list of events printed out in the window assuming your Notes have synced.

This is just a basic example of transmitting data with the Notecard. From here you can route data to any of the supported cloud platforms. Head over to Blues Wireless' routing tutorials for detailed instructions on how to do that.