1W LoRa MicroMod Function Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate, santaimpersonator
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Hadware Assembly

For those unfamiliar with the MicroMod ecosystem, be sure to review the Getting Started with MicroMod guide.

Getting Started with MicroMod

October 21, 2020
Dive into the world of MicroMod - a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals via the M.2 Connector!

Processor Board and Main Board

To get started users will need a compatible processor and main board. Insert the MicroMod processor board into the M.2 socket for the processor board at an angle, with its edge connector aligned to the matching slots.

Note: The dimensions of the processor board's edge connector prevents it from mating with the slots of the M.2 socket in reverse. As an extra safeguard, the screw insert is spaced to only match the screw key of MicroMod processor boards.

When inserted properly, the processor board will rest at an angle:

MicroMod processor board inserted into the carrier board
Inserting a processor board into the M.2 socket. (Click to enlarge)

To secure the processor board, gently hold down on the board and attach the M.2 screw with a Phillip's head (PH0 or PH1) screw driver. Below, is an example of an assembled MicroMod system:

MicroMod processor board attached to the Qwiic carrier board
A processor board attached to the MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board. (Click to enlarge)

Function Board and Main Board

Warning: The LoRa module is susceptible to electrostatic discharge. Therefore, it is recommended that users a static discharge strap, like the one included in the iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit.

Static discharge strap in the upper righthand corner. (Click to enlarge)

Users should also address any humidity and temperature concerns, when utilizing the LoRa function board.

Note: The dimensions of the function board's edge connector prevents it from mating with the slots of the M.2 socket in reverse. As an extra safeguard, the screw inserts are spaced to only match the screw key of MicroMod function board.

Similarly to the processor board, insert the MicroMod function board into the M.2 socket for the function board at an angle, with its edge connector aligned to the matching slots.

When inserted properly, the function board will rest at an angle:

MicroMod function board inserted into the main board
Inserting a function board into the M.2 socket. (Click to enlarge)

To secure the function board, gently hold down on the board and attach the M.2 screw with a Phillip's head (PH0 or PH1) screw driver. Below, is an example of an assembled MicroMod system:

MicroMod function board attached to the main board
A function board attached to the MicroMod Main Board. (Click to enlarge)

Don't forget to attach the antenna for the LoRa function board. Transmitting or powering the LoRa module without an attached antenna has the potential to permanently damage the transceiver.

Fully assembled main board with processor board and function board
Fully assembled main board with processor board and function board. (Click to enlarge)

Main Board Example - Pin Connection Table

This table summarizes the pins utilized on the LoRa function board's MicroMod edge connector and their connections to the main board's processor pins; based on the slot that the LoRa function board is inserted to.

Function Board
Pin Name
Pin Number
Description Main Board's
Processor Pin
Slot 0 Slot 1
VCC 72 Input Power supply: 4.75~5.5V
  • Power LED
  • Transceiver's Power
3.3V 73 Input Power supply: 3.3V
  • EEPROM's Power
  • Logc-level conversion
GND 11 - Ground -
Power Enable 71 Input Controls the 3.3V power 68 66
SCK 3 Input SPI - Clock signal for transceiver SCK (57)
CIPO 7 Output SPI - Data from transceiver CIPO (59)
COPI 5 Input SPI - Data to transceiver COPI (61)
NSS 49 (F1) Input SPI - Chip select for transceiver CS0 (55) CS1 (70)
RST 55 (F4) Input Resets transceiver G1 (42) G6 (71)
DIO0 47 (F0) Input
Transceiver's configurable IO(Please refer to the SX1276 datasheet). D0 (10) D1 (18)
DIO1 57 (F5) Input
Transceiver's configurable IO(Please refer to the SX1276 datasheet). G2 (44) G7 (69)
DIO2 59 (F6) Input
Transceiver's configurable IO(Please refer to the SX1276 datasheet). G3 (46) G8 (62)
TXEN 51 (F2) Input Transceiver's RF control switch: The TXEN pin is in high level, RXEN pin is in low level when transmitting. PWM0 (32) PWM1 (47)
RXEN 53 (F3) Input Transceiver's RF control switch: The RXEN pin is in high level, TXEN pin is in low level when receiving. G0 (40) G5 (73)
SCL 21 Input I2C - Clock signal for EEPROM SCL (14)
SDA 19 Input
I2C - Data signal for EEPROM SDA (12)
EEPROM WP 40 Input Controls the write protection pin for the EEPROM. Pull low to enable. -
EEPROM A0 6 Input Controls EEPROM's I2C address configuration. -
EEPROM A1 4 Input Controls EEPROM's I2C address configuration. -
EEPROM A2 2 Input Controls EEPROM's I2C address configuration. -


To program the processor board utilized on the Main Board; connect the board to a computer with a USB-C cable. Depending on the processor board, users may need to install drivers (if they have not done so already).

Note: Make sure that the correct board definitions are installed in the Arduino IDE, for the selected processor board. For help installing board definitions, use the MicroMod processor boards landing page and review the associated hookup guide for that hardware.

Installing Board Definitions in the Arduino IDE

September 9, 2020
How do I install a custom Arduino board/core? It's easy! This tutorial will go over how to install an Arduino board definition using the Arduino Board Manager. We will also go over manually installing third-party cores, such as the board definitions required for many of the SparkFun development boards.