STM32 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Alex the Giant, Ell C
Resources and Going Further
This should get you started with the STM32 Thing Plus. Need more information? Check out some of the links below:
Check out these other great Thing Plus tutorials from SparkFun:
ESP32-S2 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Looking to use the more secure ESP32-S2? Follow this hookup guide to get started.
Thing Plus Dual-Port Logging Shield Hookup Guide
This tutorial shows you how to hook up and use the SparkFun Thing Plus Dual-Port Logging Shield.
SparkFun Thing Plus - NINA-B306 Hookup Guide
A quick guide to get started using the SparkFun Thing Plus - NINA-B306. This Thing Plus is loaded with the Arm Cortex-M4 processor in the NINA-B306 along with on-board motion and environmental sensors in the ISM330DHCX 6DoF and BME280 pressure and temperature sensor.
Sending Sensor Data via Bluetooth
In this tutorial, we will show you how to get started on incorporating Bluetooth into your electronics projects. This project uses a SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32 Wroom USB-C to display data from a Triple Axis Accelerometer over Bluetooth.